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Thread: RSA Interdiction

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  1. #1
    SixShot's Avatar
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    RSA Interdiction

    So the Black Market guy smiled down on me and I got the RSA Interdiction last night. Anybody a good sniper teacher? Anybody have this rifle? From what I can tell sniping it's used much in this game. May run Overkill and care an AR for back. Don't want to be the weak link because all I have is a sniper rifle.

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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by SixShot G1 View Post
    So the Black Market guy smiled down on me and I got the RSA Interdiction last night. Anybody a good sniper teacher? Anybody have this rifle? From what I can tell sniping it's used much in this game. May run Overkill and care an AR for back. Don't want to be the weak link because all I have is a sniper rifle.
    I can help you out if you would like what i'll do is have a look at your past games and give you some feedback. I'm not a sniper per say but I'm a strong AR guy

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  3. #3
    SixShot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Randuken View Post
    I can help you out if you would like what i'll do is have a look at your past games and give you some feedback. I'm not a sniper per say but I'm a strong AR guy

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
    Any input would be great. This sniper is suppose to have Aim Assist, for what that's worth. When we play Combine I try and use it on the "Bad Spawn" side, right ally. Didn't get much action and when I did it was two or more forcing me to switch to my AR.

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  4. #4
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    I'll make a new post at some point tonight. I used to do training back in the day.

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  5. #5
    Khaaaaaotik's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    That sniper has what is called target assist not to be confused with aim assist. The difference is that with target assist your crosshair moves slower over a person where as with aim assist the crosshair will actually follow the person. Minor detail but thought you should know.

    For snipers there are only a few suggestions I have to help improve.

    Play core -
    In HC you have to be perfect. If you miss once you are dead. If you get shot once you are dead. In core you have the luxury to miss once and still get another shot off, or start being shot and have the time to turn around and ding the guy shooting you.

    Practice with bots -
    If you really want to improve your sniper shot quickly, load up a map like breach and put 8-10 bots on recruit. The recruit bots barely shoot back, and if they do you can just walk out of their view and they will forget you were even there. This helps as you have lots of targets constantly running around you and forces you to aim better and quicker.

    Centering -
    This is the second biggest thing to sniping in CoD. Centering is where you center your screen onto the player before scoping in. This makes for the least amount of adjustment after scoping in. It really is just something you will get used to over time.

    Confidence -
    This is the most important skill for CoD sniping. It may seem odd but when you have confidence in your shot you will hit your shot a heck of a lot more than when you aren't, it is a huge difference maker. Snipers don't have the luxury of spray'n'pray so you need to be sure each shot is going to hit every pull of the trigger.

    Here's a couple of references for snipers that are important.
    Quickscoping -
    The act of shooting with very minimal scoping in.

    Dragscoping (or The Drag Shot) -
    This is a technique where you scope in beside the enemy and drag the crosshair over the enemy before shooting. Many people use this technique as you can judge when to shoot a little easier then just trying to get perfectly center off the start.

    The Weapons:
    SVG-100 (aka The Boom Stick)
    Target assist: No
    Scope In Rate: Medium
    This weapon is a one hit kill 99% of the time. The guy has a some noticeable weapon sway when scoping in, try to hold off shooting until that finishes.

    Target assist: No
    Scope In Rate: Fastest
    This weapon is a one hit kill from chest and up. It has the fastest scope in rate out of all the snipers and centers basically instantly. This is the best weapon for quickscopers.

    Target assist: Yes
    Scope In Rate: Medium
    Not many classify this as a sniper but the game does so we deal with it. This is a burst rifle shooting 3 bullets per burst. There is a delay when shooting so an adjustment to make is to pull the trigger first then drag your crosshair over the enemy, by the time the bullets come out you should get a kill.

    Target assist: Yes
    Scope In Rate: Fast/Medium
    This weapon is a semi automatic sniper rifle. The best way to think of this weapon is an overpowered sheiva. It is a two hit kill from almost anywhere on the map. One hit kill for headshots. The fast firing rate is something that makes this gun so overpowered if you know how to control yourself. Shooting like a mad man will end up getting you killed more often than not. If you are going to play HC mode, this gun is extremely overpowered.

    RSA Interdiction
    Target assist: Yes
    Scope In Rate: Slow
    This is the weakest sniper rifle of them all. One hit kills are upper chest and up but you may still see some hit markers.

    Bo3 Sniper YouTubers:
    Spratt -
    Uploads everyday since the start of Bo3. Insane clips. Best quickscoper. Mainly TDM.

    Pamaj -
    Uploads everyday also. Best all around sniper, playing all game modes (Hardpoint, etc).

    I'm late for something, hope I didn't miss anything. If you see me on msg me and I'll hop in a game with ya!

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Khaaaaaotik For This Fucking Post:

    SixShot (April 11th, 2016)

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