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Thread: My Minecraft Adventures (from Day 1)

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    My Minecraft Adventures (from Day 1)

    So I decided id download Minecraft this morning over State of Decay for the simple reason that Minecraft will always be an ongoing game that never ends due to the creative nature.

    So I figure everytime I catch some Minecraft game time il update my adventures more so like a log book.

    Tonight I managed to play for around 3/4 hrs.Started off by picking a British paratroopers skin then spawning in.

    My plan was to first find the basics food,shelter,torches,tools etc so I took the easiest root and dug into the side of a mountain which all in all worked quite well.

    Once I had this secure after a few freaky moments out of the blue from mob spawns I begun to think right what do I want to do next.

    My next move was to gather materials to build a basic stone 8x4 house close to a lake that I found and a few good mine areas (one of which I fell to my death because I was walking backwards avoiding a skeleton).

    Once I had gathered the materials(stone,glass,wood etc) I decided right its time to move from my hole in the mountain to my proper house,so I lifted my materials and built the house,placed my furnace and craft table inside along with some lighting from torches and my bed in the corner.Bare in mind I left some stone to finish the roof in a chest in the hole in the side of the mountain.

    Headed back to retrieve this with success then it started to get dark and I thought fuck this ain't good.Countless mob after mob attacked me which really disoriented me in a big way that much that I ended up dying due to limited food and weapons.

    So on spawning I get this message letting me know that my bed was inappropriately placed/compromised then I remembered fuck I didn't finish the roof.I set out to find my home,I spent well over an hr looking for that son of a bitch and came up with fuck all.I forgot my coordinates so couldn't rely on that and couldn't remember any specific landmarks.lets say this pissed me off a lot due to spending 4 hrs to work on a decent basic house in an real good area for caving and farming/growing.still I came out of it learning an important lesson,next time il be writing down my fucking co-ordinates lol

    The whole time I was playing tonight my 8 year old son was sitting watching me play and he admittedly knew way more about fucking Minecraft than his father 22 years his

    So that was my first 4 hrs playing Minecraft and im hoping the next time i pick it up it'll be more positive than loosing a house,falling down a deep dark hole,being eaten by zombies and realising that my sons pretty fucking smart when it comes to Minecraft.
    CAG JB

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  2. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    EXEprog527 (May 6th, 2015),Ragez Fury93 (May 6th, 2015),Randuken (May 7th, 2015),Tricky3 (May 6th, 2015)

  3. #2
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    Day 2 - Had a good day👍
    Managed on and off maybe close to 3 hrs today early morning my time.
    So when I spawned in today the first thing is see is a torch in the distance on what looks like the side of some dirt and then it eventually dawns on me HOLY FUCK ITS MY HOLE IN THE SIDE OF THE I venture over and low and behold it is and my chest with half my shit in its in the corner. (This was my first thing to celebrate)
    So from this point I knew that damn house I lost was close by to the nearest water source and I remembered the sort of general direction it was in.I found the fucker and lets say the first thing was build a tower crazily high right next to it and lit the top with torches to make sure il never loose my pad again.Damn I was like a 5 year old kid at a bday party when I found my house lol.
    I started to get to work on some farm land for a renewable food source which was wheat which I was using for bread,then s built 2 pens one for cattle and another for sheep for leather wool and beef.Would have done horses but I haven't figured how to get the damn things to follow u.
    Ventured out and found a mini village and on the outskirts there where some pumpkins so another thing for me to harvest.
    So surrounding my house iv like 5 maybe 6 different mines so I got supplied up and went digging lighting my way at the same time and to my enjoyment I found a lot of stuff,coal,iron,some flint anda huge cavern with a water source running through it which I might set up shop at to save time going back and forward and save time.
    All in all I ended up having plenty of food in my inventory and chest as well as being able to craft some iron tools and most importantly a full suit of iron armour to help me survive while on my digging expeditions.
    Glad this session was a lot more successful and enjoyable and from this session things seem like they get better within the world of Minecraft.
    CAG JB

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  4. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

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  5. #3
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    You're on X1 aren't you?

    I have it on 360 but haven't played for awhile. Would be kinda fun to find somebody to team up with a play. Haha

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  6. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to DizzleDaddy For This Fucking Post:

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frazzled You View Post
    You're on X1 aren't you?

    I have it on 360 but haven't played for awhile. Would be kinda fun to find somebody to team up with a play. Haha

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yeah man im x1 sorry buddy!
    CAG JB

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  8. #5
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    Frazzled I have the 360 version Could be cool.

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  9. #6
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I like this read good idea John. I like when we all play together I know Gypsy, Myself & Parch n co at one point had a world going. It's a fun game to just relax and do stuff in.

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  11. #7
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    This makes me want minecraft !

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  12. #8
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Myself, Gods, Bscrubs, Absol, Randy, Queen, Mr G and M1nty were all just in a world together. Games is a bit more fun then I anticipated

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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Beastmode For This Fucking Post:

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  14. #9
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    It is alot more fun in groups

    John if I see ya on I will jump in with ya a help ya out

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  15. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to GypsyOutlaw For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (May 7th, 2015)

  16. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Randuken View Post
    I like this read good idea John. I like when we all play together I know Gypsy, Myself & Parch n co at one point had a world going. It's a fun game to just relax and do stuff in.

    Yeah it definitely is a fun game,I never realised how addictive a pixelated world is and how much real time fly's when playing it tbh.
    Iv yet to group up with anyone but that's a whole different work to me right now lol
    CAG JB

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