Personally man I dont think you would be disappointed,I myself was curious and took the plunge to buy it and simply have been caught up with it.Iv found a game that's not Fps that when no ones hitting up our company game in battlefield I can happily turn to
CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
Experience: 52,379,426
Next Level: 55,714,302
John if I see ya on I will jump in with ya a help ya out
That would be good bud,like I mentioned to randy above grouping up with anyone is a whole other place to me as im a complete noob when it comes to Minecraft.Hell my 8 year old son knows more about the game than I do at this moment in time lol
CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
Experience: 52,379,426
Next Level: 55,714,302