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Thread: CAG Opportunity

  1. #31
    CelticSaint's Avatar
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    Re: CAG Opportunity

    From what I'm Aware there is only a few members on our end for psn and some are very new due to the lack of followers!! The guys that are here chose to stay to try to improve psn side and to help recruit!

    CAG Raz I see your concern as well too!! But honestly the psn division guys have just recently started. That is why I personally suggested for andopro to take the reins! I realize it may not sound fair!! The logic behind my decision is to build and train better gamers! In all honesty you can't expect all XeC members to start under guys that just started, but I'm not saying these gentlemen on our end should be at the bottom either!!!

    I think there should be a poll for any CAG member to one time vote for what rank they believe our members should have! I say CAG CheechDogg chooses the ranks he feels these fellas are worth and we vote from there! That way it's fair for everyone???

    Sent from the Saint

    CAG Dogg Level: 46 [?]
    Experience: 5,424,634
    Next Level: 6,058,010

  2. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CelticSaint For This Fucking Post:

    Bang_Skeezy (January 17th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 16th, 2014)

  3. #32
    Bang_Skeezy's Avatar
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    Re: CAG Opportunity

    Hello CAG my name is Bang and I am the co founder/leader of XeC along with Andy aka Ando. I am looking
    forward to coming over to CAG with all of my crew to get a PS squad going for CAG to add one more platform for CAG to dominate on. Ando and I have been best friends for 5+ years and have gamed on multi platforms
    including pc and ps. Some of our members where ranked in the top 100 in bf3 on ps3 for a number of
    different skills. We have great talent and we are up to par with a lot of the big name's. We are not the
    best but we have fun doing what ever it is and to us that's what is really important. Shout out to Cheech you guys that made this site look so good and be so active great job. We at XeC had great times and many
    members but life some times shows up and we have to go away and no one wants to fill such big shoes. So I
    went to ando with a merge idea, which we have tried in the past and we where so so on the topic. But to my surprise ando was like YES I know a great place to look and now im at CAG wed page. Cant wait to make this happen so pumped!


    CAG Dogg Level: 20 [?]
    Experience: 28,622
    Next Level: 29,658

  4. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Bang_Skeezy For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (January 16th, 2014),CAG JB (January 16th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 15th, 2014),Kujeaux (January 16th, 2014),pisspawz (January 16th, 2014)

  5. #33
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Re: CAG Opportunity

    i know i don't have any pull anymore but Cheech you want everyone's opinions, and i know you genuinely mean that, so here ya go.

    i read through the thread pretty thoroughly and didn't see anything to suggest andopro doesn't know what he's doing or have leadership qualities. if Cheech respects you then you must have earned it. it certainly isn't something that is just given out freely.

    one question i do have is would your members be interested in voting daily? granted, you can't necessarily speak for everyone and i know this seems like a small or trivial thing but its something that is important to me. that position on Top100 is, i would assume, what gets a very large percentage of prospective members here - i know its how i found CAG.

    my biggest hope is that this wouldn't become a situation of a clan within a clan. i would hope your members would get involved in this community but most importantly on the boards, especially if most of them aren't on the same system as most of us. that will be our only form of interaction. i love these boards. they are a great way to express myself, constructively and freely, and when others ignore them, rarely post or only come on to ask for trial cards it is very aggravating no matter who they are.

    out of those two things, where would they fall on list of importance on a scale between 1-10 for you?

    at the end of the day, overall, this will go one of two ways - very good or very poorly. that is a fact. i hope it goes very good myself, but that is something only a great length of time will time.

    i have every confidence in my leaders, especially Cheech and Toxic, to do what is right, fair, and best for all parties concerned now and in the long term of this merger.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
    Experience: 49,410,603
    Next Level: 55,714,302

  6. The Following 6 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    Bang_Skeezy (January 17th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 16th, 2014),CAG JB (January 16th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 15th, 2014),Kujeaux (January 16th, 2014),pisspawz (January 16th, 2014)

  7. #34
    LONEWOLF's Avatar
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    Re: CAG Opportunity

    Cheech, Remember the last time you let another Clan join us. I sure don't want that to happen again.

    CAG Dogg Level: 51 [?]
    Experience: 12,067,543
    Next Level: 13,849,320

  8. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to LONEWOLF For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (January 16th, 2014)

  9. #35
    CAG Stud
    CAG JB's Avatar
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    Re: CAG Opportunity

    From reading all of the above post on the subject it does sound rather interesting.i know there are but a handful of ps4 guys within our family and I dare say this would help out thing I would like to see is if this was to go ahead I would like these guys to work with what CAG we do have on playstation straight from the word go.our playstation CAG DOGG's must not feel like their being put on the back all will boil down to respect.
    as for the forums,I hope that with the merger that the playstation members don't only remain in touch with playstation if u know what I mean but keep in touch with the community as a whole.the way I see it is that every member of CAG are family,brothers/sister if u must and therefore should be able to speak free and join conversations no matter what platform they play on.if these guys are gonna do this that would be great.
    finally I just wanna say no matter what decision is made on the subject I have nothing but faith,respect and above all loyalty to all of our high ranking officers/generals right down to our low always be 200% true to CAG.this is my second family and home from homes!!!!
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
    Experience: 52,417,917
    Next Level: 55,714,302

  10. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    Bang_Skeezy (January 17th, 2014),BlameItOnGod13 (January 16th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 16th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 16th, 2014),pisspawz (January 16th, 2014)

  11. #36
    CAG Archangel's Avatar
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    XBOX One Division Member

    Re: CAG Opportunity

    I agree with the points raised in this thread and would also want to ensure (as John has just said) that our current ps base, as small as it is, doesn't feel pushed out or forgotten. They have been given an opportunity to take the ps side further and build it up...this should not be taken away from them. They need to be an integral part of this proposed merger.

    I do however, as many have already said before me, have faith that the Boss and the hierarchy have only CAG's best interests in mind and wouldn't willingly/knowingly do anything detrimental to the clan.

    I too will support the decision and continue to live by the CAG code.

    sent from the back o' da bus.

    CAG Dogg Level: 52 [?]
    Experience: 14,612,354
    Next Level: 16,259,327

  12. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG Archangel For This Fucking Post:

    Bang_Skeezy (January 17th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 16th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 16th, 2014),pisspawz (January 16th, 2014)

  13. #37
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re: CAG Opportunity

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG RAZ View Post
    Would that be fair on others though ???

    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
    Layser and Ninja who have already been given my go ahead to get going with PS "WILL NOT" lose any of the ranking and command they have already been given. They will be separate from XeC if they want to be or join their unit to strengthened it even further. There are so many details to be worked out on the ranking and commands which is why this might not be finalized until mid-late february or early march.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bang_Skeezy View Post
    Hello CAG my name is Bang and I am the co founder/leader of XeC along with Andy aka Ando. I am looking
    forward to coming over to CAG with all of my crew to get a PS squad going for CAG to add one more platform for CAG to dominate on. Ando and I have been best friends for 5+ years and have gamed on multi platforms
    including pc and ps. Some of our members where ranked in the top 100 in bf3 on ps3 for a number of
    different skills. We have great talent and we are up to par with a lot of the big name's. We are not the
    best but we have fun doing what ever it is and to us that's what is really important. Shout out to Cheech you guys that made this site look so good and be so active great job. We at XeC had great times and many
    members but life some times shows up and we have to go away and no one wants to fill such big shoes. So I
    went to ando with a merge idea, which we have tried in the past and we where so so on the topic. But to my surprise ando was like YES I know a great place to look and now im at CAG wed page. Cant wait to make this happen so pumped!

    Hey Bangs great to see you taking the time register and come on the forums to tell us about how pumped you are about this merger.

    We have had no success what so ever in the past with prior mergers and every-time the reason for failure was animosity between our members and the merging party. But you guys would be operating in a completely different Division that the guys that are here already so the possibility of failure this time around should be almost no-existent.

    In a successful merger at least from one of the greatest, the AFL-NFL in football, neither teams involved lost any of their already established popularity and success as football teams. My point here is that you guys (Ando and yoursel) would come in as or an equivalent rank and billet that you guys held or currently hold in XeC.

    We do have certain requirements that all current members must meet the 2 main ones are acquiring the Marksman Ribbon and Dogg Ribbon. Those two requirements will of course be expected to be met by all members of XeC within a reasonable time frame.

    Your current officers would also retain their ranks as will all your other XeC members. Right now our Battlefield and COD Brigades do not interfere in each others matters and that would be expected from the PS Division if you guys do decide to merge.

    Respect and zero tolerance to animosity will be the two key factors if this merger is to be successful.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    i know i don't have any pull anymore but Cheech you want everyone's opinions, and i know you genuinely mean that, so here ya go.

    i read through the thread pretty thoroughly and didn't see anything to suggest andopro doesn't know what he's doing or have leadership qualities. if Cheech respects you then you must have earned it. it certainly isn't something that is just given out freely.

    one question i do have is would your members be interested in voting daily? granted, you can't necessarily speak for everyone and i know this seems like a small or trivial thing but its something that is important to me. that position on Top100 is, i would assume, what gets a very large percentage of prospective members here - i know its how i found CAG.

    my biggest hope is that this wouldn't become a situation of a clan within a clan. i would hope your members would get involved in this community but most importantly on the boards, especially if most of them aren't on the same system as most of us. that will be our only form of interaction. i love these boards. they are a great way to express myself, constructively and freely, and when others ignore them, rarely post or only come on to ask for trial cards it is very aggravating no matter who they are.

    out of those two things, where would they fall on list of importance on a scale between 1-10 for you?

    at the end of the day, overall, this will go one of two ways - very good or very poorly. that is a fact. i hope it goes very good myself, but that is something only a great length of time will time.

    i have every confidence in my leaders, especially Cheech and Toxic, to do what is right, fair, and best for all parties concerned now and in the long term of this merger.
    From my initial chats with Ando, he understands how important voting is to CAG and it is only evident from us holding the #1 position on top100 for over 14 months now and counting.

    I also made it clear that we require our members to be active on the forums and ranking will "ONLY" happen if they are active on the forums or under special circumstances the dedication shown by members online if they can not for either financial or personal reasons access our forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG LONEWOLF View Post
    Cheech, Remember the last time you let another Clan join us. I sure don't want that to happen again.
    We can no't let past experiences scare us or intimidate us and not attempt again to merge with another successful clan or community. Not just any clan and or community will approach another clan and ask for help. Ando has kept a close eye on CAG since 2009 when I met him and our visions and goals from back then are still the same now.

    Ando has never given me any reason to doubt his leadership and integrity which is why I have given him permission to post this on our forums for us to discuss it freely. Everyone's opinions and feedback as well as concerns are needed, but we also can not allow the failure of past merger attempts spoil this for both parties.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnbai84 View Post
    From reading all of the above post on the subject it does sound rather interesting.i know there are but a handful of ps4 guys within our family and I dare say this would help out thing I would like to see is if this was to go ahead I would like these guys to work with what CAG we do have on playstation straight from the word go.our playstation CAG DOGG's must not feel like their being put on the back all will boil down to respect.
    as for the forums,I hope that with the merger that the playstation members don't only remain in touch with playstation if u know what I mean but keep in touch with the community as a whole.the way I see it is that every member of CAG are family,brothers/sister if u must and therefore should be able to speak free and join conversations no matter what platform they play on.if these guys are gonna do this that would be great.
    finally I just wanna say no matter what decision is made on the subject I have nothing but faith,respect and above all loyalty to all of our high ranking officers/generals right down to our low always be 200% true to CAG.this is my second family and home from homes!!!!
    I agree with you John, no members will be put on the back burner on either party. The guys (layserman2 and NiiNJA v) who have taken on the task of the initial building up of the PS Division will not be pushed to the side unless they themselves fail or stop trying to build the PS Division.

    We don't give out anything here in CAG, all that is here is earned and in XeC's situation, they come in as an already established Clan/Community who understand that if they do not reach out to another clan/community, their existence as a clan/community will be in jeopardy.

    For what ever reason they have taken a hit just like we have in the past and just recently. This merger could be the springboard CAG needs to take us to the next level.

    Having the choice of playing for CAG on all platforms is something that while not absolutely necessary it is however a luxury to have and it would be coming to us, to CAG at no price other than us embracing it with open arms and making the best of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by ll Archangel li View Post
    I agree with the points raised in this thread and would also want to ensure (as John has just said) that our current ps base, as small as it is, doesn't feel pushed out or forgotten. They have been given an opportunity to take the ps side further and build it up...this should not be taken away from them. They need to be an integral part of this proposed merger.

    I do however, as many have already said before me, have faith that the Boss and the hierarchy have only CAG's best interests in mind and wouldn't willingly/knowingly do anything detrimental to the clan.

    I too will support the decision and continue to live by the CAG code.

    sent from the back o' da bus.
    Thank you Archangle and that means a lot coming from a new member of the Family as yourself. I think by now you have already seen the importance of everyone's involvement when it comes to CAG's continued success. I have always had an open door policy and something like this is to be openly discussed with every member of CAG to gather feedback and understand everyone's concerns.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 290,174,672
    Next Level: 305,690,101

  14. The Following 7 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    Bang_Skeezy (January 16th, 2014),BlameItOnGod13 (January 16th, 2014),CAG Archangel (January 16th, 2014),CAG JB (January 16th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 16th, 2014),pisspawz (January 16th, 2014),WildW3st21 (January 17th, 2014)

  15. #38
    andopro's Avatar
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    Re: CAG Opportunity

    As far as voting goes, we asked our members to do the same. I believe we ranked around the 40s on the TOP100. So, they do know the importance of that voting system. Also, we don't plan on running a clan in a clan. We want to blend our community as much as possible into CAG. Almost as if we've been apart of CAG this whole time. & I understand, it will take time. I think the biggest challenge for my guys, is a place of belonging. At first, XeC members may struggle with the fact that they won't feel at "home", but as time goes by and we connect with current CAG members, we will settle and settle to the point that they will go the extra mile for CAG, just like you guys would now. Like said before, it just depends on the respect that is given on both ends. If that makes sense.

    CAG Dogg Level: 28 [?]
    Experience: 190,224
    Next Level: 195,661

  16. The Following 8 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to andopro For This Fucking Post:

    Bang_Skeezy (January 17th, 2014),BIG COUNTRY (January 16th, 2014),BlameItOnGod13 (January 16th, 2014),CAG Archangel (January 16th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 17th, 2014),CAG JB (January 16th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 16th, 2014),pisspawz (January 16th, 2014)

  17. #39
    GypsyOutlaw's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Re: CAG Opportunity

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Layser and Ninja who have already been given my go ahead to get going with PS "WILL NOT" lose any of the ranking and command they have already been given. They will be separate from XeC if they want to be or join their unit to strengthened it even further. There are so many details to be worked out on the ranking and commands which is why this might not be finalized until mid-late february or early march.

    Hey Bangs great to see you taking the time register and come on the forums to tell us about how pumped you are about this merger.

    We have had no success what so ever in the past with prior mergers and every-time the reason for failure was animosity between our members and the merging party. But you guys would be operating in a completely different Division that the guys that are here already so the possibility of failure this time around should be almost no-existent.

    In a successful merger at least from one of the greatest, the AFL-NFL in football, neither teams involved lost any of their already established popularity and success as football teams. My point here is that you guys (Ando and yoursel) would come in as or an equivalent rank and billet that you guys held or currently hold in XeC.

    We do have certain requirements that all current members must meet the 2 main ones are acquiring the Marksman Ribbon and Dogg Ribbon. Those two requirements will of course be expected to be met by all members of XeC within a reasonable time frame.

    Your current officers would also retain their ranks as will all your other XeC members. Right now our Battlefield and COD Brigades do not interfere in each others matters and that would be expected from the PS Division if you guys do decide to merge.

    Respect and zero tolerance to animosity will be the two key factors if this merger is to be successful.

    From my initial chats with Ando, he understands how important voting is to CAG and it is only evident from us holding the #1 position on top100 for over 14 months now and counting.

    I also made it clear that we require our members to be active on the forums and ranking will "ONLY" happen if they are active on the forums or under special circumstances the dedication shown by members online if they can not for either financial or personal reasons access our forums.

    We can no't let past experiences scare us or intimidate us and not attempt again to merge with another successful clan or community. Not just any clan and or community will approach another clan and ask for help. Ando has kept a close eye on CAG since 2009 when I met him and our visions and goals from back then are still the same now.

    Ando has never given me any reason to doubt his leadership and integrity which is why I have given him permission to post this on our forums for us to discuss it freely. Everyone's opinions and feedback as well as concerns are needed, but we also can not allow the failure of past merger attempts spoil this for both parties.

    I agree with you John, no members will be put on the back burner on either party. The guys (layserman2 and NiiNJA v) who have taken on the task of the initial building up of the PS Division will not be pushed to the side unless they themselves fail or stop trying to build the PS Division.

    We don't give out anything here in CAG, all that is here is earned and in XeC's situation, they come in as an already established Clan/Community who understand that if they do not reach out to another clan/community, their existence as a clan/community will be in jeopardy.

    For what ever reason they have taken a hit just like we have in the past and just recently. This merger could be the springboard CAG needs to take us to the next level.

    Having the choice of playing for CAG on all platforms is something that while not absolutely necessary it is however a luxury to have and it would be coming to us, to CAG at no price other than us embracing it with open arms and making the best of it.

    Thank you Archangle and that means a lot coming from a new member of the Family as yourself. I think by now you have already seen the importance of everyone's involvement when it comes to CAG's continued success. I have always had an open door policy and something like this is to be openly discussed with every member of CAG to gather feedback and understand everyone's concerns.
    Damn u long winded fuker I'm gonna have to wait and read this at home


    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 21,804,256
    Next Level: 22,308,442

  18. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to GypsyOutlaw For This Fucking Post:

    Bang_Skeezy (January 17th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 17th, 2014),CAG JB (January 16th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 16th, 2014)

  19. #40
    CAG Stud
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    Re: CAG Opportunity

    Ok fellas I want you guys to think about one thing, just think if you were a PS guy and you just joined CAG there would be almost no one to play with . I see good things coming from this. I want the PS recruits to feel like the xbox one do . They come in here see all these guys that are like mind gamers, there is almost always someone on to play with . I want our PS guys to feel the same way .

    Yes we have had bad luck with clan mergers but the past is the past . CAG is still here .

    What I'm saying is don't kill something that hasn't even been started yet . Think about our PS guys .

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 20,137,771
    Next Level: 22,308,442

  20. The Following 7 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BIG COUNTRY For This Fucking Post:

    andopro (January 16th, 2014),Bang_Skeezy (January 17th, 2014),BlameItOnGod13 (January 16th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 17th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 16th, 2014),DEF4LT515 (January 16th, 2014),pisspawz (January 16th, 2014)

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