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Weapons Badges and Awards
Weapons Badges and Awards
Icon Award Name Description
CAG: COD Brigade Marksman's Badge CAG: COD Brigade Marksman's Badge CAG: COD Brigade Marksman's Badge
Earning this medal qualifies CAG Clan Members for a chance to become part of Charlie Delta.

To obtain this Badge the following requirements must be met:

1. 15 kills no more than 5 deaths 20 times
2. Only assault rifles are allowed
3. No explosive kills
4. No team kills
5. No lethal kill streak kills

This badge may be earned on any COD series game, on Black Ops 2 either the SMR or the FAL are allowed ....

1. On Black Ops 3 all assault rifles are allowed, but if done using the Man-0-War, Sheiva or ICR--1 you automatically become a Charlie Delta "prospect"

2. Only the Razorback SMG on Black Ops 3 is allowed

3. Only the 48 Dredge LMG on Black Ops 3 is allowed

4. Only the Locust Sniper Rifle on Black Ops 3 is allowed

On Advanced Warfare all assault rifles are allowed, but if done using the MK-14 you will automatically become a Charlie Delta "prospect"

On Ghosts the MR-28 and the IA-2 are also allowed

Once a player obtains their Brigade Marksman's Badge, they will be accepted into the Charlie Delta training platoon

Point Value = 20000

No member has this award
Request Award
Recommend Award
Marksman's Badge Marksman's Badge Marksman's Badge
COD Side:

1. Choice of AR, SMG or LMG and loadout

2. Must have at least 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 5 times in Hardcore or 10 times in Core

3. No team kills are allowed

4. No killstreak rewards allowed or explosives

5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met.

Domination Marksman Badge

1. You may use any weapon except Sniper Rifles or Shotguns.

2. You must have at least 15 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, and 3 captures. This must be completed 5 times in Hardcore Domination or 10 times in Core Domination.

3. Kill streak and specialist are NOT allowed, and do not count.

4. Explosives are not allowed (ex.Grenades, C4, etc.).

5. You must have at least one full CAG Dog in the lobby with you to confirm your game(s).

Kill Confirmed Marksman Badge

1. You may use any weapon except Sniper Rifles or Shotguns.

2. You must have at least 15 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, and 10 confirmed tags. This must be completed 5 times in Hardcore Killed Confirmed or 10 times in Core Killed Confirmed.

3. Kill streak and specialist are NOT allowed, and do not count.

4. Explosives are not allowed (ex.Grenades, C4, etc.).

5. You must have at least one full CAG Dog in the lobby with you to confirm your game(s).

BF Side:
1. Choice of class and weapons.

2. Must have 350 kills.

3. Can be done in any Game Mode (TDM/CQ/Rush/Domination)

4. No explosive kills or vehicles kills in (Rush).

5. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.

6. Must provide link to Battlelog.

Destiny Side:
1. Recruit may play Control, Clash, or Skirmish (3v3)

2. Recruit must achieve at least 10 kills with no more than 5 deaths. This must be done 5 times.

3. All games must be completed with a Full CAG member in the game.

4. No heavy weapons or grenades can be used (rocket launchers, explosives or Heavy machine guns)

5. A picture must be taken and provided in the marksman thread for each game.

Point Value = 25

Recommend Award
Pistol Marksman's Badge Pistol Marksman's Badge Pistol Marksman's Badge
COD Side:

1. Must use the Five-Seven or TAC-45

2. Must have at least 20 kills and no more than 10 deaths 5 times

3. No team kills are allowed

4. No killstreak rewards allowed or explosives

5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met

BF Side:
1. 3 handgun ribbons [ 12 handgun kills] 5 different rounds

2. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.

3. Must have Marksman Badge

4. Must provide link to Battlelog.

Point Value = 100

Members who received this award: 1

Recommend Award
Sharpshooter's Badge Sharpshooter's Badge Sharpshooter's Badge
COD Side:
This is the 2nd of the Weapon Badges a Clan member can earn. Each Division has their own way of earning it.

The Sharpshooter's Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 5 times:

1. Choice of weapon and loadout

2. Must have 15 kills and no more than 5 deaths

3. No killstreak rewards allowed

4. No team kills are allowed or explosives

5. Must be paired off with a Fireteam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met

Domination Sharpshooter Badge

1. You may use any weapon except Sniper Rifles or Shotguns.

2. You must have at least 20 kills, with no more than 10 deaths and 4 captures. This must be completed 5 times in Hardcore Domination or 10 times in Core Domination.

3. Kill streak and specialist are NOT allowed, and do not count.

4. Explosives are not allowed (ex.Grenades, C4, etc.).

5. You must have at least one full CAG Dog in the lobby with you to confirm your game(s).

Kill Confirmed Sharpshooter Badge

1. You may use any weapon except Sniper Rifles or Shotguns.

2. You must have at least 20 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, and 15 confirmed tags. This must be completed 5 times in Hardcore Kill Confirmed or 10 times in Core Killed Confirmed.

3. Kill streak and specialist are NOT allowed, and do not count.

4. Explosives are not allowed (ex.Grenades, C4, etc.).

5. You must have at least one full CAG Dog in the lobby with you to confirm your game(s).

BF Side:
The Sharpshooter's Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore/Core any mode will also be used to qualify for this Badge.

1. Choice of class and weapons.

2. Must achieve 600 kills.

3. No explosive kills.

4. no vehicle kills.

5. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.

6. Must provide link to Battlelog.

Point Value = 50

Recommend Award
Pistol Sharpshooter's Badge Pistol Sharpshooter's Badge Pistol Sharpshooter's Badge
COD Side:
This is the 2nd of the Pistol Weapon Badges a Clan member can earn. Each Division has their own way of earning it.

The Sharpshooter's Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 5 times:

1. Choice of handgun

2. Must have 25 kills and no more than 5 deaths

3. No killstreak rewards allowed

4. No team kills are allowed or explosives

5. Must be paired off with a Fireteam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met

BF Side:
1. 4 handgun ribbons [16 handgun kills] 10 different rounds

2. Must be paired off with a Full CAG
Members to confirm requirements are met.

3. Must have the sharpshooter badge

4. Must provide link to Battlelog.

Point Value = 150

No member has this award

Recommend Award
Expert's Badge Expert's Badge Expert's Badge
COD Side:
This is the 3rd of the Weapon Badges a Clan member can earn. Each Division has their own way of earning it.

The Expert's Badge is the 3rd level and will be the most difficult badge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 10 times:

1. Choice of weapon and loadout

2. Must have 20 kills and no more than 5 deaths

3. No killstreak rewards allowed

4. No team kills are allowed or explosives

5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met

Domination Expert Badge

1. You may use any weapon except Sniper Rifles or Shotguns.

2. You must have at least 30 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, and 5 captures. This must be completed 10 times in Hardcore Domination or 20 times in Core Domination.

3. Kill streak and specialist are NOT allowed, and do not count.

4. Explosives are not allowed (ex.Grenades, C4, etc.).

5. You must have at least one full CAG Dog in the lobby with you to confirm your game(s).

Kill Confirmed Expert Badge

1. You may use any weapon except Sniper Rifles or Shotguns.

2. You must have at least 25 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, and 20 confirmed tags. This must be completed 10 times in Hardcore Killed Confirmed or 20 times in Core Kill Confirmed.

3. Kill streak and specialist are NOT allowed, and do not count.

4. Explosives are not allowed (ex.Grenades, C4, etc.).

5. You must have at least one full CAG Dog in the lobby with you to confirm your game(s).

BF Side:
The Expert's Badge is the 3rd level and will be the most difficult badge to earn. Hardcore/Core any mode will also be used to qualify for this Badge.

1. Choice of class and weapons.

2. Must have 1,200 kills.

3. No explosives kills.

4. No vehicle kills.

5. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met

6. Must provide link to Battlelog

Point Value = 200

Members who received this award: 5
CAG CheechDogg, CAG StewieShotU, BlameItOnGod13, CAG JB, CAG Archangel

Recommend Award
Pistol Expert's Badge Pistol Expert's Badge Pistol Expert's Badge
COD Side:
This is the 3rd of the Pistol Weapon Badges a Clan member can earn. Each Division has their own way of earning it.

The Pistol Expert's Badge is the 3rd level and will be the most difficult badge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 20 times:

1. Choice of weapon and loadout

2. Must have 25 kills and no more than 5 deaths

3. No killstreak rewards allowed

4. No team kills are allowed or explosives

5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met

BF Side:
1. 5 handgun ribbons [20 handgun kills] 15 different rounds

2. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.

3. Must have the expert badge

4. Must provide link to Battlelog.

Point Value = 500

No member has this award

Recommend Award
CAG Designated Marksman's Badge CAG Designated Marksman's Badge CAG Designated Marksman's Badge
This Badge is awarded to players who are CAG's mostly skilled shooters and who have obtained all 3 of their Weapon Badges, (Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert) and are considered Hybrids.

Once a player has obtained his DM Badge, he may apply to tryout and join CAG's Scout Snipers Platoon.

To obtain this Badge the following requirements must be met:

1. Must use a Marksman's rifle

2. Must work together with a "PIG" Sniper as his spotter while trying to obtain this badge

3. Must have a minimum of 5000 kills

4. Must have a minimum k/d of 1.50 while going for their DM Badge

5. Must maintain a 1.75 k/d ratio after obtaining this badge or risk losing it

6. Must re-qualify with every new game (campaign) or if the player falls under a 1.75 k/d at any time

Once a player obtains their DM's Badge, they "MUST" maintain a 1.75 k/d ratio or they "WILL" lose it if they fall under 1.75

Point Value = 20000

No member has this award

Recommend Award
COD Side:
This badge is awarded to snipers who have been accepted into the Sniper's Platoon and is the 2nd level before a player is considered an official CAG Scout Sniper.

To obtain this badge the following requirements must be met:

1. Must obtain the Concealed Cobra Suit

2. Must be approved as a "PIG" Sniper by a "HOG" Sniper

3. Must maintain a k/d of 1.25 while going for this medal

4. Must have the minimum of 350 kills required to obtain their Concealed Cobra Suit

5. Must work together with a "HOG" Sniper as a Sniper Team to help each other out

6. Must keep a minimum k/d of 1.75 once they obtain their "PIG" Sniper Badge

BF Side:
1. 3 Sniper Ribbons per game

2. 2 Headshot Ribbons per game

3. 6 marksman ribbons per game

4. Must have CIB and Special Forces medals

5. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.

6. Must be completed in conquest in 4 consecutive games

7. Must provide link to Battlelog.

Point Value = 25000

No member has this award

Recommend Award
CAG CAG CAG "HOG" Scout Sniper
This badge is awarded to snipers who are official CAG Scout Snipers.

To obtain this badge the following requirements must be met:

1. Must use a qualified sniper rifle to obtain their full Ghillie Suit

2. Must work together with a "PIG" Sniper as a Sniper Team

3. Must have a minimum of 850 kills as required to obtain the full Ghillie Suit

4. Must maintain a k/d ratio of 1.25 while going for this badge

5. Must maintain a k/d of 2.0 once this badge is obtained

Point Value = 35,000

No member has this award

Recommend Award
Grenadier Grenadier Grenadier
To obtain the Grenadier Medal you will need to get 5 grenade kills in one game 10 times

Point Value = 500

Members who received this award: 2
CAG Covieleader, SoulSeeker1972

Recommend Award
Grenadier Expert Grenadier Expert Grenadier Expert
To obtain the Grenadier Expert Medal you will need to get 10 grenade kills in one game 20 times

Point Value = 10000

No member has this award

Recommend Award
Explosives Master Explosives Master Explosives Master
To obtain this medal you need to get 20 combined kills with the M203 attachment on any rifle, hand grenades or any explosives and explosive kill streaks in 1 game 20 times

Point Value = 20000

No member has this award

Recommend Award
Riotshield Expert Riotshield Expert Riotshield Expert
To obtain the Riotshield Expert's medal you must get 25 kills and no more than 10 deaths in one game 25 times. Scorestreaks and weapons are allowed for this medal.

Point Value = 5000

No member has this award

Recommend Award
0311: Rifleman 0311: Rifleman 0311: Rifleman
Billet given to members who earn their Marksman Badge

Point Value = 25

Request Award
Recommend Award
0351: Assaultman 0351: Assaultman 0351: Assaultman
Billet given to members who earn their Sharpshooter Badge

Point Value = 50

Request Award
Recommend Award
CAG Hispanic Assaultman CAG Hispanic Assaultman CAG Hispanic Assaultman
This Medal is for Hispanic Members of the Clan who are Assaultmen

Point Value = 25

Members who received this award: 2
CAG CheechDogg, StormySGT ELIAS
Request Award
Recommend Award
CAG White Boy Assaultman CAG White Boy Assaultman CAG White Boy Assaultman
This badge is for all the white boys out there who are kick ass Assaultlman!

Point Value = 25

Request Award
Recommend Award
CAG NWA Assaultman CAG NWA Assaultman CAG NWA Assaultman
This badge is for all the black boys out there who are kick ass Assaultlman!

Point Value = 25

Members who received this award: 1
Request Award
Recommend Award
CAG Iron Maiden CAG Iron Maiden CAG Iron Maiden
Once a member is classified as an "IRON MAIDEN" he or she must keep their deaths to under 5 and more than 15 kills, a 3/1 k/d ratio.

If they fail to maintain that 3/1 k/d ratio they must start over again to regain their "IRON MAIDEN" status.

No one is required to hold a 3/1 k/d ratio to be in the Clan, this is only for those who want to be known as the "IRON MAIDENS" of CAG.

To be an Iron Maiden members must do the following:

20 kills or more with 5 deaths or lower 10 times in a row

All weapons are allowed, this includes explosives, launchers, knives and kill streaks

Point Value = 500

No member has this award
Request Award
Recommend Award

CAG Clan Awards

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