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Thread: Teachers Say Little Kids are Acting Out Game Violence

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  1. #1
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    Teachers Say Little Kids are Acting Out Game Violence

    Ok here are some more ridiculous claims by the British on kids and games.

    Seriously, stop blaming games, movies and cartoons for the things kids do. It all comes down to how you raise your kids meaning how well you are able to make the differentiate movies, games and cartoons from real life.

    I remember myself playing in our elementary school's playground and acting out movies and cartoons but that did not turn me into a violent person today.

    I don't quite understand exactly what it is that these people are trying to do here. I think its more about them getting the attention they are so desperately seeking from the media in order to portray themselves as better people.

    This is what is going to happen if we don't allow our kids to be creative and act out what they see in movies. Potential future movie stars will get told that they can't act out what they saw in last nights big release of Trans Formers because it is too violent or inappropriate for children to watch and reenact, thus making them feel like they can not do what they want when they grow up.

    Most of the kids who reenact movies have dreams of becoming actors, models, firemen, policemen and we should "never" tell kids that they should not reenact what they see in movies. Is it ok for us to make them do plays about civil war but not ok for them to reenact last night's Terminator 2060 movie?

    We need to motivate our children and let their imaginations run wild. We need to build up their confidence from these early years in elementary schools and inspire them more by saying, "wow Billy and Johny, you guys did a great job reenacting that movie scene".

    What are your thoughts about this?

    In UK, educators' conference calls for legislation to stop kiddies pretending to be game characters.

    April 3, 2012

    by IGN Staff

    A conference for schoolteachers in the UK has focused its ire on the issue of small children playing violent video games, and bringing these adult fantasies to school play-time.

    Delegates at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers annual conference discussed a motion calling for "stringent" legislation against the "negative effects some computer games are having on the very young."

    One teacher of small children said her students "throw themselves out of the window of the play car in slow motion" play-acting the motion of "blood spurting from their bodies."

    Alison Sherratt, a teacher at a primary (elementary) school in West Yorkshire, added, "We all expect to see rough and tumble, but I have seen little ones acting out quite graphic scenes in the playground and there is a lot more hitting, hurting and thumping in the classroom for no particular reason."

    kidsplaylarge 1333478241Do young children play too many adult games?

    She said there is a "notable correlation between the children who admit to playing games and those who come to school really tired."

    The ATL's general secretary Mary Bousted called on parents to honor game ratings and TV watersheds. "It's about reminding parents and carers that they have a very real responsibility for their children and that schools can't do it alone."

    Thanks to The Guardian.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    Dude every time I hear something like this it just makes me angry and sad at the world which we live in, the outside ALWAYS trying, even in the smallest way to control your life. Kids are kids, imagination is part of being a kid. I agree that some things might be a little to much, but it is what it is if you teach your child right from wrong. ehhhh I just hate people.

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    very much agreed sir.

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    Quote Originally Posted by puggy1973 View Post
    Guys this kind of shit has been going on since video games started in the seventies. People who know fuck all about games try to blame them for social problems that have always existed and always will. The fact that these people blame games for kids being tired at school demonstrates that they don't have the courage to actually say its the parents fault the kids are tired. If a parent lets a kid sit up late playing a game it is not the games fault.
    As for legislating against "negative effects some computer games are having on the very young". How do you write a law to do that? How could it be enforced? Remember we here in the UK also live in a free country that spend more on games than movies and music combined so I can't see many of our politicians trying to get this legislation through parliament. This is a complete non story over here so I don't know why IGN even repeated the story on your side of the pond.
    The problem is Puggy, things are changing over here, whether we like it or not. We aren't as "free" as we should be considered by our constitution. SOOOO many civil rights violated EVERYDAY without a care. Everything that this country is based on is really heading down the shitter. And I am a proud American love my country to death. But I'm not affraid to tell that we are heading in a bad direction.

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    IGN repeated this shit just for the attention points just like I did here, lol. But nevertheless it is a story to laugh at because all this is just complete bullshit, blaming games for anything is flat out a joke.

    If my Son starts doing bad in school I simply take away his video game privileges something that I have done only a handful of times because he screwed up at school. He is not acting out what he sees in videogames, movies or what ever else these assholes are trying to say our kids act out.

    It's simple like puggy said, it is our own faults as parents if our kids act up, we have the responsibility to teach our kids the limits and rights from wrongs and how to distinguish them if they come across them on their own.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    IGN repeated this shit just for the attention points just like I did here, lol. But nevertheless it is a story to laugh at because all this is just complete bullshit, blaming games for anything is flat out a joke.

    If my Son starts doing bad in school I simply take away his video game privileges something that I have done only a handful of times because he screwed up at school. He is not acting out what he sees in videogames, movies or what ever else these assholes are trying to say our kids act out.

    It's simple like puggy said, it is our own faults as parents if our kids act up, we have the responsibility to teach our kids the limits and rights from wrongs and how to distinguish them if they come across them on their own.
    Or Big Brother will step in soon enough.

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    Fuck Big Brother, I watch wtf i want to watch and so will my Son
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Fuck Big Brother, I watch wtf i want to watch and so will my Son
    Big brother is mad now, Tell them I wasnt here and i dont know you

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    Oh stop being a pussy! hahah....CAG says fuck big brother!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    Thats what Eli Manning says...

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