Hi Ghosts,
This second episode of
Inside Recon is about
GRFS’ technology.
Ghost Recon Future Soldier is designed as a modern military experience featuring the technology of tomorrow. Virtually all of the equipment seen in the game is inspired by authentic real-world technology, scientific prototypes or research projects. We’re not creating science fiction; we are just putting forward our view of how the battlefield of tomorrow can be changed through the combination of the US Warfighter’s abilities and the most cutting-edge tools for combating the enemy.
See below for more insights about Ghost Recon Future Soldier technology and gear.
Cross Com
Aside from their minds, the most important weapon for Special Operations soldiers like the Ghosts is battlefield intelligence. It’s one of the Ghosts’ decisive advantages over their opponents. With the Cross Com, Ghost Recon introduced an innovative tool that serves as the hub for gathering and sharing information in the field. A signature feature of recent Ghost Recon games, it has been improved it for Future Soldier with new Augmented Reality (‘AR’) features. Directly linked to the left-eye reticule, the Cross-Com and related AR elements are only visible through its HUD or ‘Heads Up Display’. We utilize Augmented Reality in two ways:
· A.T.L.A.S. (Confirm Acronym) allows the display of real-time intel, providing live updates on battlefield situations as they evolve.
· W.A.R. (Weapon Augmented Reality) is a component of A.T.L.A.S., for use at the individual soldier level. It allows the Ghosts’
Cross-Com monocles to receive synchronized information instantly from any weapon or other piece of equipment they use. This includes things like weapon status information (ammo counts, etc) as well as targeting data. This information is cross-referenced with the information from team members, and information from others’ W.A.R. systems can appear in a user’s Cross-Com when needed. With this power in their hands, the Ghosts can perform deadly synchronized shots.
Optical Camo
Camouflage has always been a critical element in warfare, for both protection and tactical advantage. If the enemy can’t see you he can’t shoot you. For Future Soldier, we looked at the current research in advanced camouflage technology and we extrapolated from that to create our own take on the optical camo. We took inspiration from several different proposed technologies:
· Meta-materials that can bend light around the user
· Uniform elements made from optic fiber
· Uniform fabrics made with strands of micro-LED-impregnated threads which replicate light patterns based on what is behind the wearer.
A small computer is controlling the adaptive camouflage system.
We felt it was important to maintain believability both visually and functionally. Our optical camo does not make the Ghosts fully invisible. Instead, it reduces a soldier’s visual signature so they are more difficult to spot.
Drones (UAV and UCAV)
The basic Multi-Operational Drone is a low-IR signature Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV). Use it to identify enemy positions from on high, or to pinpoint and lock in targets. The UAV is your eyes in the sky.
The next tier of unmanned air vehicle available to the Ghosts is the UCAV or Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle. These remotely piloted aircraft are capable of launching explosives and firing low-yield EMP missiles.
Drone Crawler
Man-portable and hand-launched, this Unmanned Air Vehicle is a multi-rotor low-IR-signature field recon asset. It is capable of identifying hostiles so Ghosts can target them in their Cross-Com Augmented Reality.
When an ‘airborne’ asset is not needed, it can be landed and perform as a Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) thanks to small, motorized wheels. When on the ground, it can deploy a sonic pulse capable of knocking out an elephant.
This Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) is a self-mobile, multi-legged armored artillery delivery platform. Capable of withstanding a tremendous amount of punishment, the Warhound can also act as battlefield cover for the Ghosts. Large and loud, this battlefield asset is not something for ‘stealthy’ missions, but can be useful in creating a diversion for the enemy so your team can complete their objectives.
Thrown Sensor
Carried on the soldier and thrown or placed on the battlefield, this sensor identifies hostiles and indicates their positions on the players Heads Up Display (HUD). Using a proprietary pulsed signal which can penetrate walls, vehicles and other objects, it is useful for identifying locations for hidden enemies. Each sensor’s powerful electronics drain the integrated battery quickly, so soldiers using this device need to act on the resulting intel quickly.
Magnetic View
Contrary to what the name might imply, the ‘Magnetic View’ does much more than just reveal metal objects. The system sends out a pulsed signal and measures the surrounding metallic resonance (from weapons, belt buckles, eyeglasses hinges, you name it). Based on the collected data, the system analyzes the points of contact and uses sophisticated algorithms to fill in the gaps, recreating an image of what the data represents (an armed human, a bomb, land mines, etc). This augmented reality image is projected onto the Ghosts’ Cross-Com Heads Up Displays.
The system has been finely tuned to filter out environmental noise, such as building materials like re-bar, door hinges, water pipes, etc., to enable users to focus on potential threats.
EMP Grenade
Unlike their bigger air-dropped cousins, these are
miniature Electro Magnetic Pulse weapons. They will temporarily fry any electronics within their limited blast radius and leave enemy sensors blind and heads-up-displays disrupted.
Heartbeat Sensor
A unique sensor specifically tuned to the frequency of a beating human heart, the device interacts with the players Augmented Reality to delivery visual representations of where the associated humans likely are. This piece of technology is weapon mounted and has a limited field range.
Providing a fused night vision and thermal view in a single specialized weapon optic, the NVT (Night Vision Thermal) scope also offers some magnification.
Backscatter Optic
The name of this optic refers to the reflected signal information that is collected and analyzed by its on-board computer. In short, it uses this data to provide the ability to see through most surfaces over a short distance.
OTR Scanner
The ‘Opitcal Target Recognition’ Scanner simply projects intel related to enemies when the user is in scope view.
Stun Mine
This mine can be placed quickly and activates when an enemy passes in front of it. The charged projectiles stun all targets in an arch in front of the weapon up to a certain distance.
Exacto Rounds
Developed as a DARPA program, these bullets are self guiding and work with the Ghosts’ array of sensors to seek out the heads of enemies for targeting.
Decoy Grenades
These weapons exploit weaknesses in enemy sensors, giving them a ‘false reading’ regarding the location of your team members.