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Thread: Mission and Hardhat (HARDTIMES)

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  1. #1
    Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r's Avatar
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    Exclamation Mission and Hardhat (HARDTIMES)

    OOKKK guys... As i was playing with the clan on Saturday night, I noticed that two maps ALWAYS seem to get in our way and make us look bad.. Mission and Hardhat...

    This map is hard to set up in because there is no place to hide and there are no roofs to stay under, which the enemy can just knock us out with explosives. But the best way to approach this map is to create space and that space can be created by simply setting up in the SOUTH part of the map (as shown in both images above).

    We'll need two SNIPERS or LONG-RANGE WEAPON guys on the RIGHT, one in the building with the stairs and the other one in the small room to the right of it..a sniper rifle is the best choice because it's a long street...

    We'll also need one guy with either an ASSAULT RIFLE or SUBMACHINE GUN on the LEFT, behind a crate that is located on the ramp of the left side of our spawn..

    Cheech will likely be in his spot watching the UNDERPASS UNDER THE BRIDGE

    A SNIPER or ASSAULT RIFLE guy watching the middle hall way from the church...

    and we'll have one guy roaming around like a supervisor, IN CASE SOMEONE GOES DOWN THIS GUY WILL FILL IN THAT GAP UNTIL MAIN GUY IS BACK...

    and some one has to have UAV on their kill streak....and also someone else has to have BALLISTIC VESTS( that will likely be me)


    This map whether or not you believe me, is real simple. SET UP IN THE MIDDLE...

    TWO GUYS will watch the tunnel..
    TWO GUYS will watch the storage room
    and TWO GUYS will watch the long hallway, one preferably with a SNIPER or LONG RANGE WEAPON...

    BAM!!! As Cheech said 'it's real simple'

    I will try to keep doing this with other maps that we have trouble in...


    CAG Dogg Level: 40 [?]
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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r For This Fucking Post:

    xASSxCLOWNx4413 (March 11th, 2012)

  3. #2
    xASSxCLOWNx4413's Avatar
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    I agree. We need to make people certain weapons specialists if we are too be highly effective.

    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
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  4. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to xASSxCLOWNx4413 For This Fucking Post:

    Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r (March 11th, 2012)

  5. #3
    CAG Stud
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    I couldn't agree with you more Knockers. And let me simplify this even more for everyone.

    Some maps all you need is one person to hold down a long street or long "avenue of approach" and filter the enemy to the other side. I always try to keep everyone either to my left or my right depending on the map.

    One thing "EVERYONE" needs to stop doing and I see it in every game is crossing paths or walking in front of someone else who is clearly holding down an area. There is absolutely no reason to have 2 people looking in the same direction or say you have someone holding down the far left of a map, if you see someone over to the far left stay to his right and cover his right flank or any straight avenues of approach coming towards him and you.

    Think about this, 4 people can easily cover a full circumference, 90 degree each and be completely safe from the enemy. When you cut down 180 degrees or more by placing yourself up against the end of the map or any buildings you minimize the avenues of approach the other team can use to get to you. On some maps like "HARDHAT" you can easily dominate the other team by doing what Knockers suggested. Another part of that map that you can dominate too is on the left side going towards the big hill coming from the top. That area only has 2 avenues of approach that can easily be locked down.

    My point you guys is this, never move in the direction someone else is looking. You only open up your backside and that persons backside by doing that. Instead move away from that person or cover his 6. Forming a straight line on most of the maps from left to right at the spawn is always the fastest and easiest way to set up.

    I will post some maps with keypoints and where I think you guys should set up at or be around in the next couple of days. But in order for this to work everyone has to do what it is asked of them. There should never be any excuses as to why you are not in your designated area, no matter what.

    Remember we are all in the same Clan, if we win, we all win. Don't worry about not getting any action or not getting enough kills, when you least expect it the enemy will focus their attacks towards you and you will have to be ready to react. Even if you go 3-0 in a game, if we won that game you did your job. Now if you go 3-19 chances are that it was mostly your fault or the person or persons around you are not doing their job.

    If you guys ever watch my games you guys "WILL" notice that I hardly ever look back or turn around, that split second that you decide to turn around because you don't trust the person watching your back could lead to both of you dying because you or that other person turned around. You must trust your teamates, if you see that you have more than one enemy coming towards your call it out.

    One more thing, be selective when pulling the trigger, especially if you do not have a suppressed weapon.

    Well that is all I have to say for now.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r (March 11th, 2012)

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