Game news, updates and community announcements on BF3 and BF4
Buzzard (April 23rd, 2013),CAG CheechDogg (April 20th, 2013)
pisspawz (April 28th, 2013),SpitFire Johnny (April 27th, 2013)
thats killer saturday nights are the best for me to play all night so you can count on my tank on the field.
P.S. I really need someone good to run in my tanks with me. i have my T-90 running in the top 0% of players, i'm ranked 550 in the world out of 168,550 players. witch it down from 482 a month ago. My M1-Abrams is in the top 0% ranked at 682, down from 460 a month ago. i stop playing for a bit. i'd really like to have them in the top 100. so if you run gun in the tanks a lot hit me up or add me on x-box live. gamertag=MrSharrett
Mr. Sharrett
Spekcter (May 20th, 2013)