You proved my point DUBS, there was no insult intended, but you trying to prove your "greatness" through your "Elite Profiles" proves my points. You are and always will be self centered, you should probably lay off of the alcohol and control your mental issues before you go off on people who are merely trying to have fun.
Opinions and suggestions are very much welcomed here, but you don't seem to understand the concept of "constructive criticism", "dialogue" and for someone who says they are studying "psychology" you clearly are not capable of catching onto a "Rhetorical Argument".
Did you not notice I used all 3 appeals of a Rhetorical Argument, "Ethos", "Pathos" and "Logos" in my initial comment in response to your post? Criminal Law which is what I remember you saying you wanted to get into, requires you be able to distinguish and recognize what a person's intentions are with their comments.
I thought we were going to be able to carry on a rational discourse DUBS but I clearly see that is not possible with you. It's actually quite funny and amusing to see 3 people get insulted to the point where they give me the middle finger/s either in a post like you just did or in person because of the level of intellectual honesty I am capable of.
Have a good night DUBS and avoid the alcohol man.