Has anyone had any problems with the website loading?
If you guys every come across broken links or have any type of problems please report them here so that I can quickly fix the problems.
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Has anyone had any problems with the website loading?
If you guys every come across broken links or have any type of problems please report them here so that I can quickly fix the problems.
Yup, website is slow as hell.
I turned off the scroller to see if that is the problem. I have noticed in the past that when it is on it slows down the site, let me know how it works. I will leave it off for a few days.
And just in case you guys don't know, I have an extra module on the right side called "MUST READ TOPICS" which are important topics you guys should read.
Well I have confirmed that the scroller that I was using was slowing down the site, so for now it is off.
Also some of you might be having problems with the shoutbox (chatbar) still and that is nothing to worry about. Our servers were getting updates to their chassis and some of the name config files were not reset so it wasn't allowing our server and the chatbar's servers to communicate with each other. But everything is good to go now.
If you guys see any broken links or have any type of problems with the site, "PLEASE" let me know. It is very important to always report any errors or problems with the site.
To increase our sites performance and help load up times, I have moved everything to the "WAR ROOM". From now on, the main area of the website will be the "WAR ROOM", everything that was on the front page of the site in the past will be located here.
The site is now running very good with improved load times! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO
So what does everyone think of the new background for the website?
Also if you guys see any errors or the website is running slow please let me know here. Thanks in advance!
So the last issue was fixed correct Cheech?
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