Really Stormy? Shit man...what should I do then? I thought they looked killer....
Use the guides located in this forum to help you understand how to use all the features.
Really Stormy? Shit man...what should I do then? I thought they looked killer....
Guys make sure you guys go to the War Room as that is our Main Page. The Front Page is just the landing page for everyone in general and I want to keep as little as possible there to reduce load times on the front page.
Having a problem.. Using Goog. Chrome and i cant log into the chat server. . Firfux was giving me way to many problems. I reverted back to Goog. Chrome when i found out they had fixed their issue with Youtube. So is this a known problem with chat and goog Chrome?
Here you go Grizz....easy fix baby !
Ok Diamond let me know if it still stays white..i think i found the problem cuz I am not getting it anymore.
CAG CheechDogg (January 13th, 2013)
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