so assassins creed comes out next Tuesday, what are your guys opinions on the game. as for me I'm excited for it cause i love the series and have been playing it since its release and i can not wait for the new installment. this one takes Ezio to the ottoman empire and back to the past where the original assassins creed is referenced quite a lot so if you haven't played the first one i would recommend it. the multiplayer is back, revamped and improved which is great news to me considering the last multiplayer in brotherhood was a total let down. there is a pre order bundle available which gives you an expanded amount of bombs from the start as well as a special sword and bonus mission. so my question to you is are you getting it? i know there is a ton of games coming out from skyrim to mw3 and assassins creed probably isn't on the top of your list but before you make your decision view this trailer