One of the hardest thing to do under fire is trying to learn how to fly one of those helicopters.
Alot of folks will get frustrated and never step foot behind the stick again and sometimes I could not blame them.
Whether it is an attack Helicopter or a Troop transport helicopter such as a Huey the controls are the same and I would like to go over them right now and maybe help some of you out.
Your Right trigger or RT is the throttle. Toy around with this a bit to see the effect of Full throttle Half Throttle and Low Throttle.
When Taking off it is important to use full throttle to get yourself in the air quickly.
Your Left Trigger or LT decreases your throttle. You can use this also to lower altitude and also land.
Left bumper is to fire primary weapon if equipped
Right bumper is to deploy your flares if equipped
Your left stick is what spins your helicopter 360DEG basically this is what your Foot pedals would do in a real Helo
Your right stick controls Forward and backward and will pitch the helo side to side it is important to have a light touch on this as you will find yourself dropping the nose of the aircraft too far or pitching too far to the left or right causing your aircraft to be uncontrollable.
A Helicopter has an advantage over jets in that it can move forward backwards and side to side.
It can hover and can be flown in tighter spaces and hold more soldiers.
It is very important to know the characteristics of the Helicopter in which you are flying.
Some like the MI28 Havoc or the AH 6IJ Little Bird are Attack Helicopters. Where in they have weapons that can be controlled by the pilot in flight. Usually you can only fire at what is directly ahead of you with these weapons so it is important to know how to position your helicopter for optimal delivery of ordinance. The Little Bird can have four soldiers inside including the pilot and the two people on the side are able to use their weapons to engage 180DEG either side. This is particularly handy if you have some marksmen in your ranks that can pick off an entrenched Squad. And not to mention there are more sets of eyes that can spot.
The other set of helicopters are the utility Helos.
Such as the UH Venom. or "Huey" and KA 60 which are primarily troop transport helos.
These Helicopters are good for getting your squad in remote parts of the map or behind enemy lines. While they do not come with pilot controlled weapons they usually do have side mounted weapons which can be utilized.
Positioning of these helicopters is something the pilot needs to be mindful of. If the enemy is on the starboard side of the craft and your gunner is on the port it makes sense to position your helo in such a way that the sidegunner is able to engage without having to waste time moving to the other side.
These types of Helos are particularly helpful in straffing missions where you would be able to lay down some suppressive fire on heavily fortified positions and loosen up enemy defenses.
The important thing to remember about being a pilot is not only are you flying the craft you are a real estate agent as well.. Its all about Location Location Location. Be in a place where you can spot enemy foot mobiles and technicals. And of course always use your mic to let your team know of enemy placements and movments if possible..
Starting out flying the Helos you are going to crash and you are going to die.. this is just what happens. But do not get discouraged and stay at it and you will earn those wings in no time soldier