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Thread: AAV-7A1: Mobile Spawn Point!

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    AAV-7A1: Mobile Spawn Point!

    Are you tired of spending a minute or two getting to your objectives only to get killed and having to spend another 2 minutes to get back? Well consider using the AAV-7A1 as a Mobile Spawn Point for you Squad when playing objective games.

    The AAV-7A1 or Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AMTRAC)in Battlefield 3 is an armored amphibious vehicle capable of transporting soldiers on both land and sea, but is mostly used for beach assaults. It’s armed with a powerful 40mm grenade launcher and a secondary .50 caliber machine gun. The AAV is available to both US and Russian forces in Battlefield 3.

    You can use the AAV to get to your objective when you are attacking and you need to activate the bomb in Rush mode. If you get to the objective your Squad can then use it to safely active the detonation device and guard it from it being defused by the defenders.

    The trick here is to set the AMTRAC just far enough for you to use the 40mm grenade launcher and the .50 against the defenders if they are trying to defuse the bomb. If the player trying to activate the bomb is killed during activation or before he activates it, the AAV can be used to terminate the defenders.

    You can also use it to provide cover fire for the player who is activating the bomb as well. If you or any other member dies, you can automatically spawn right inside the AAV instead of having to run all the way across the map to get to the objective.

    Use it as a mobile spawn point and set it anywhere you want! If you see another Squad using an AMTRAC, please do not move it from the spot they left it! It is extremely rude and will only hurt your Team if you move that AMTRACT!

    We use it to move our Squad from place to place and as a mobile spawn point and you should too. There are other vehicles that can be used as mobile spawn points such as the choppers and humvees as well. But the AMTRAC is the most reliable and safest to spawn because of its heavy armor. It will take at least 3 rpgs to completely destroy it, but if you have an Engineer in your squad, he can quickly repair it and keep it from being destroyed.

    So next time your Squad or your Team are having trouble getting to the bomb to activate it or the defenders are defusing the bomb right away, use the AMTRAC to help you out.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  2. #2
    IRONVALOR's Avatar
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    Re: AAV-7A1: Mobile Spawn Point!

    Just make sure that Cheech is not driving the Son of a bitch because it will be on its top LIKE THE HELICOPTER!

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  3. #3
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    Re: AAV-7A1: Mobile Spawn Point!

    bahaha...thats just the choppers you dick! hahha
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  4. #4
    IRONVALOR's Avatar
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    Re: AAV-7A1: Mobile Spawn Point!

    You do realize that if you ever do put one on its top... You will never hear the end of it

    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
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  5. #5
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    Re: AAV-7A1: Mobile Spawn Point!

    haha! no shit ....But I wont!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  6. #6
    IRONVALOR's Avatar
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    Re: AAV-7A1: Mobile Spawn Point!

    If you ever do I will personally fly to Cali.. Take a taxi to your crib and pick you up and go to whatever tattoo parlor you wish.. And it will be tattooed on your ass " Iron was right I flipped a tank and I drive and fly like a 17 year old asian girl"

    I will pay for this ink so no worries there

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  7. #7
    xManFac3x's Avatar
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    Re: AAV-7A1: Mobile Spawn Point!

    Quote Originally Posted by "IRONVALOR" post=8130
    If you ever do I will personally fly to Cali.. Take a taxi to your crib and pick you up and go to whatever tattoo parlor you wish.. And it will be tattooed on your ass " Iron was right I flipped a tank and I drive and fly like a 17 year old asian girl"

    I will pay for this ink so no worries there
    I've had one on it's side o.O

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  8. #8
    CAG Stud
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    All of you guys playing on BF3 now take a note of this!
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  9. #9
    CAG Stud
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    A lot of people don't know about it man, it kicks ass.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  10. #10
    Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r's Avatar
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    Ya I underestimated the AMTRAC. I would always see it as an option to spawn on, but i would never spawn on it...

    I mostly underestimated the POWER of the grenades, 12 -16 rounds will destroy an enemy tank,, and can EASILY take out an enemy and have him doing back flips 50 meters in the air....

    I spawn on it everytime now

    CAG Dogg Level: 40 [?]
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