What are you impressions on the "COLD FRONT" dlc for SOCOM. Last night after I downloaded them, I played till 3 am this morning. I was somewhat impressed and somewhat disappointed. I got kicked off the game several times with an error saying I had to be logged on with a PS3 account to play the game and was going to get sent back to the main menu. Know I am sure this is due to the large amount of players on last night because of the new dlc, but I am tired of /6 not preparing for this type of overloads on the servers.

On some maps, you could see some major bugs. I don't know the names yet, but on some instances the background of the maps when you looked through a sniper riffle's scope would disappear and then come back after a couple of seconds. Lag was definitely a problem last night and I sure hope this gets fixed with some tuning of the servers.

Well I have to go to work now, I will be on tonight for sure. I am going to take a break from MW2 and play me some SOCOM. Post your thoughts and comments about the new dlc and lets get rocking CAG!