So I may be talking out of turn here as usual but I have a proposal when the new BF3 comes out
I dont know about any of you but I have a hard time remembering names but Unit Numbers I can remember as if they were My first love or my first pint.
I propose that we have Designations for our teams that are involved in a match.
Now the Call signs are interchangeable and this is by no means me wanting to overstep my bounds
Capone 1 : Squad leader or Command
Capone 2 : Assault team { Each individual will be assigned a letter i.e. if there are three in the assault team Capone2 Alpha Capone2Bravo Capone2 Charlie
Capone 3 : Sniper/Recon Should be a two man team Alpha and bravo. Would be able to support the Assault team during gameplay and provide intel to surrounding Units
Capone 4: This should be a Machine Gunner that would provide fire superiority and help maintain this throughout the match. C4 would attach with C2 or wherever he or she was needed.
When My crew and I play airsoft or paintball we use a Comm System much in the same way.
it works very smoothly and we always have a small briefing before the meeting to set up assignments and what areas are hotter than others and which teams need to go where..
Again and I cant stress this enough I am in no way trying to overstep boundries just simply proposing an idea.
Thanks for reading