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Thread: Communications. A Proposal

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  1. #1
    IRONVALOR's Avatar
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    Communications. A Proposal

    So I may be talking out of turn here as usual but I have a proposal when the new BF3 comes out

    I dont know about any of you but I have a hard time remembering names but Unit Numbers I can remember as if they were My first love or my first pint.

    I propose that we have Designations for our teams that are involved in a match.

    Now the Call signs are interchangeable and this is by no means me wanting to overstep my bounds


    Capone 1 : Squad leader or Command

    Capone 2 : Assault team { Each individual will be assigned a letter i.e. if there are three in the assault team Capone2 Alpha Capone2Bravo Capone2 Charlie

    Capone 3 : Sniper/Recon Should be a two man team Alpha and bravo. Would be able to support the Assault team during gameplay and provide intel to surrounding Units

    Capone 4: This should be a Machine Gunner that would provide fire superiority and help maintain this throughout the match. C4 would attach with C2 or wherever he or she was needed.

    When My crew and I play airsoft or paintball we use a Comm System much in the same way.
    it works very smoothly and we always have a small briefing before the meeting to set up assignments and what areas are hotter than others and which teams need to go where..

    Again and I cant stress this enough I am in no way trying to overstep boundries just simply proposing an idea.

    Thanks for reading


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  2. #2
    gratefulDUBS's Avatar
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    Re: Communications. A Proposal

    You're perfectly fine IV, we love new suggestions! You proposed it in a very thought-out and reasonable way, a true sign of your worth as a DOGG.

    I think its a great idea. With BF3 being a game that allows such large parties, if we can, we're going to have four separate squads working together that are each run by a squad leader and all squad leaders follow orders from the highest-ranking member in the whole party. Establishing roles for each member of each organized squad and callsigns for each role would work very well, as you just explained.

    Very good IV, thanks for the idea!

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  3. #3
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    Re: Communications. A Proposal

    thanks Iron Vallor keep ideas coming i understand your concept hope we fill this thread with many more we need to use this time to get an edge.
    CAG Stormy SGT ELIAS

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  4. #4
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    Re: Communications. A Proposal

    I completely agree with Iron and DUDBS on this proposal.

    Since BF3 is a Squad based game, not like the BS piece of shit Black Ops, we are going to need to break down the squads and its members and use designations and call signs for each member.

    I think Iron is onto something here and I would love for Iron to head this project along with DUBS and Stormy since he gave a "HELL YEAH".

    So I will task Iron as the head of this small operation along with Stormy. DUBS of course is higher in rank but I want to see what Iron can do here. I love the fact that Iron stepped up and took the initiative with this, so I think it is only fair to allow him to set this up.

    I will be on all day tomorrow Iron, so I hope you have more detailed information on this project. I like it a lot and I am looking forward to all the details. Maybe we can hold a Clan meeting tomorrow or Saturday and discuss this more thoroughly.

    Let me know what you think Iron, if you want the task, it is yours!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  5. #5
    IRONVALOR's Avatar
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    Re: Communications. A Proposal

    I feel like we should use an Incident Command structure here since there will be multiple squads working together.

    There should be one head man in charge of all of the teams The Special Operations Commander or SOCOM

    This would usually fall on Cheech or Toxic or whoever is the highest ranking member at the time.

    This Officer is the person that every team leader reports to and maintains a constant situation report about the battlefield and team condition. And can attach himself to any team at any time.

    BULLDOG Actual : Head man in Charge

    Capone 1 : Squad leader Roughneck 1 : Squad Leader StrongArm 1:SL
    Capone 2 : Assault Team (ABCDE) Roughneck 2 : Assault Team (ABCDE) StrongArm 2 AT
    Capone 3 : Sniper/ Recon (AB) Roughneck 3 : Sniper/ Recon (AB) StrongArm 3 S/R
    Capone 4 : Machine Gunner (ABCDE) Roughneck 4 : Machine Gunner StrongArm 4 MG

    as you can see each team would report to its team leader or squad leader and each squad leader would report to Bulldog Actual so he or she could make tactical decisions on the fly and issue orders down through the squad leaders and the squad leaders could issue orders to their teams or squads.

    This sort of management style is something like we use with the FD and it makes sure one guy is not overwhelmed

    The key to success in anything is clear and concise communication
    and before we enter into an engagement We need to have a plan on who is assigned to what unit and what area are they going to be responsible for.

    I would like to run you through what I would like to hear.

    BULLDOG ACTUAL : Capone 1 this is Bulldog Actual
    Capone 1 : Bulldog actual this is Capone 1
    BA: Capone 1 Roughneck 3 reporting multiple foot mobiles heading toward your area
    C1: Bulldog actual this is Capone 1 solid copy.
    C1: Capone 4 Capone 3 this is Capone 1 Bulldog actual reporting multiple foot mobiles our sector burn them.
    C4 : Capone 4 Copy
    C3 : Capone 3 Copy
    * Units take down the Enemy *
    C4 : Capone 4 I have 2 Tangos down
    C3 : Capone 3 Alpha I have 3 Tangos down and Bravo has 2 Tangos down.
    C1 : Capone 1 copy 7 Tangos down.
    BA : Capone 1 this is Bulldog Actual I need a SITREP.
    C1 : Bulldog Actual this is Capone 1 My squad engaged 7 Tangos All Tangos down.
    BA : Bulldog Actual Copy.

    I know that talking on our Live headsets is kinda like talking on a telephone but as it has been mentioned before there should not be any unnecessary chatter going on during gameplay and I feel as though the callsigns would help keep down confusion as well.

    One thing that needs to be remembered though is to ALWAYS say your callsign that way we know who is communicating. In my next article I am going to go through some common terms that we should all use so there is no confusion on what we are trying to describe.

    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
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  6. #6
    IRONVALOR's Avatar
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    Re: Communications. A Proposal

    Common Terminology

    Tango : Enemy

    Foot Mobile : Enemy on foot.

    Enemy Technical: Enemy in a ground vehicle

    Bogie : enemy Aircraft

    Fixed Wing : Jet or Airplane

    Rotorwing : Helicopter

    Frag Out : Called when Tossing a Grenade

    Bang Out : When tossing a Flashbang or Concussion ( dont know if they are going to have them on here)

    Burn em : Take the enemy out

    SITREP : Situation Report

    Sector : Area you are watching and or fighting in.

    pretty much everything after that is self explanatory.
    If there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask them


    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
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  7. #7
    IRONVALOR's Avatar
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    Re: Communications. A Proposal

    Oh yeah

    LOCO 1 : Squad Leader
    LOCO 2 : Assault Team ( ABCDE )
    LOCO 3 : Sniper/ Recon (AB)
    LOCO 4 : Machine Gunner ( ABCDE )

    I forgot we were doing four squads lol and thanks Cheech I would love to head this up


    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
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  8. #8
    gratefulDUBS's Avatar
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    Re: Communications. A Proposal

    I'm really liking where you are going here IV

    So how I am understanding this right now.. Bulldog Actual is going to be the highest ranking member of the party and will also be a squad leader for one of the 4 squads. Capone and Loco are names of the other squads?

    I'm completely down with having you head this up, I want to let you run with this and I'm just gonna sit here and pay attention haha

    We're going to most likely need to be in party chat when we are in game since there will be a good amount of communication going on. I like your inclusion of the "no-chatter" rule. Definetly going to be important for this to work correctly.

    The use of the Common Terminology should be definetly used as well when we are in-game. Keeps things much more simple.

    We're gonna need this to be perfect for this to work well and there is one thing that we have to make sure we have and that is Disciplined Doggs in game. We need all members of the party, at the time, to know all of this once we iron it out real well and we can't accept anyone being immature, etc during games.

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  9. #9
    IRONVALOR's Avatar
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    Re: Communications. A Proposal

    Bulldog actual is the highest ranking member he is the commander and shot caller. He is not a member of a squad but can attach himself to any one that he would like. Or he can orbit in a rotorwing to keep up to date on battle condition.

    And yes Capone , Roughneck , StrongArm , and Loco are the names of the Squads.

    Position 1 is your Squad leader I.e. Capone1 StrongArm1 Roughneck 1 Loco 1

    Position 2 is you Assault team say you have three in the assault crew thats for example Capone2 Alpha Bravo and Charlie.

    Position 3 is your Recon Sniper team usually two members Example Capone3 Alpha and Bravo

    Position 4 is your heavy gunner. LMG and I would like to see 3 members but We can get by with any number
    Example Capone 4 Alpha Bravo Charlie. Position 4 can attach with a vehicle or the assault team but needs to be his own entity as he can be called upon to assist another squad if needed depending on their needs.

    I would like to see a good mix in the assault team of Assault and Engineer classes and of course Somebody taking on the role of medic and somebody taking on the role of Master at Arms ( Guy that hands out ammo)

    Any other questions Bro just let me know.

    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
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