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Thread: A Good thing happened in 2001

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  1. #1
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    A Good thing happened in 2001

    Microsoft released in November 15 2001 XBOX YaaHOOOOO !
    CAG Stormy SGT ELIAS

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  2. #2
    gratefulDUBS's Avatar
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    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    Its not even November yet.. Due to the fact that 9/11 is on Sunday, a better and more tasteful subject name for this thread should have been in order.

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  3. #3
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    I agree with Dubs 100%.

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  4. #4
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    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    I honestly could give a fuck about 9/11, I feel back for the Families and those brave Men and Woman that lost their lives that day, but I have no sympathy for the Nation because of this fucked up government.

    This is something that I am not blind to and I believe that this was caused and done by Bush and his Cabinet.

    I know you love Bush Dubs, but the guy is fucking evil man. If I was ever to see him in person, I would spit in his face and piss in his mouth. I am tired of hearing about this 9/11 bullshit and how they treat everyone because of it.

    Anyways, a good thing did happened in 2001 and that was also my Son turning 1 year old that year.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  5. #5
    PopRocks's Avatar
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    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    I don't feel for the nation, but I do feel for everyone that lost their lives, and the people getting fucked over today for helping save people from the rubble.
    coollogo com 86911990

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  6. #6
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    I actually think the opposite Cheech. I have no sympathy for those who lost their lives that day, but I do for our nation. September 11th, 2001 changed the world. It brought war, recession, and hate. Now our brave men and women are overseas fighting everyday to keep this country safe from those who wish to harm it. Thousands of those mentioned left this country heroes and returned in a casket or scarred for life. To me, the memory of that day isn't about the individuals lost, but rather our sense of security that was taken from this country and the changes it brought.
    The war in Afghanistan was an obvious necessity. The war in Iraq is open to debate. Either way there are evil people in this worl who wish to cause us harm. Someone must defend the nation, whether it be Bush or Obama. It takes more than just the President to take this nation to war. So support your brave troops and marines! Be proud of what we are accomplishing!

    PS- Stereotypes exist for a reason, so search the Arabs harder for our security!!!

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  7. #7
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    No Comment.

    All I gotta say is that another country gets hit by a natural disaster or w/e and guess who comes to the aid.? We do, We lose 3000+ Innocent people and yall don't give a shit about them? wtf .. wether it was the Goverment or Terrorist (I can go on an all Day Debate).. 3000 lost their lives... Afghan yea it was necessary to go. Iraq hell no, why did we go ? for what More soldiers dead? Wheres the WMD? Saddam was found hiding like a little bitch that he is, it's kinda like how dogs are when they put their tails in between their legs. and Osama I would hope that they caught him alive so every American being can beat the shit out of him. I stand behind the 3000+ Lost & The Nation ....

    You can't really stereotype, it's just wrong? How about all those shop owners who were arab after 9/11, I believe they got treated with disrepect. I don't care their normal people thats a difference. It's just like saying if I was from the Dominican Island and My country nuked the United States what your gonna kick every Dominicans Ass? Totally wrong?

    One thing I do dislike about Bush is that he let the rich get Tax Cuts.... Obama didn't fix shit and he never will. Face it people that's life.

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  8. #8
    gratefulDUBS's Avatar
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    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    yeahh to be honest i'm not really looking to get into any political/international relations arguments with anyone.

    3000+ died that day and it would have been more without the heroics of the men and women on Flight 93.

    Our men and women in uniform also deserve a great amount of respect for sacrificing everything and fighting for our values, our freedom, and nation.

    Respect needs to be paid no matter what your beliefs are.


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  9. #9
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    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    @ Kyle - You have no idea how much respect I have for the US Military and how I support "THEM" the "SOLDIERS, MARINES" , the "GRUNTS".

    To me neither War was necessary or any War for that matter, but that is just the way us Humans think. We want to show off our Guns and blast the shit out of someone that doesn't see eye to eye with us. It has been like that since the beginning of time and it is not going to change ever.

    We are supposed to die in fire and fire is what we bring during Wars.

    @ Randy - Stereotypes are ignorant but everyone does it every day at least once during any given day. You look at someone in the streets and just by their looks you assume they are either white trash, dirty mexican wetbacks, crack head niggers, stinky arabs.... the list goes on and on.

    Stereotyping just like Wars will never stop. We are too damn scared of someone that doesn't live like us or look like us. Fear is the number enemy in all of us, if we could figure out a way to live together and disregard or ignore others ways of life, we would not need Wars.

    @ GDUBS - I hear y about the political/international realtions argument, but motherfucker you sparked it with your reply! lol....

    No but bullshit aside, I defend this Country and by Country I mean the People. I would go to War proudly to defend this "Country" regardless of who sent me to War. I didn't try to join the Marines for nothing. Look at them now, they are taking care of me pretty damn good after I broke my knees and I didn't even do that in combat.

    Today it is going to be an emotional day for millions of people once the football games start. I want everyone during the first 5 mins to sit back, reflect on what is going on and give all those who lost their lives a moment of silence. I would really appreciate it if no one posted or chatted during that time.

    Thank you all and USA all the way baby!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  10. #10
    CAG Stud
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    Re: A Good thing happened in 2001

    @ Kyle - You have no idea how much respect I have for the US Military and how I support "THEM" the "SOLDIERS, MARINES" , the "GRUNTS".

    To me neither War was necessary or any War for that matter, but that is just the way us Humans think. We want to show off our Guns and blast the shit out of someone that doesn't see eye to eye with us. It has been like that since the beginning of time and it is not going to change ever.

    We are supposed to die in fire and fire is what we bring during Wars.

    @ Randy - Stereotypes are ignorant but everyone does it every day at least once during any given day. You look at someone in the streets and just by their looks you assume they are either white trash, dirty mexican wetbacks, crack head niggers, stinky arabs.... the list goes on and on.

    Stereotyping just like Wars will never stop. We are too damn scared of someone that doesn't live like us or look like us. Fear is the number enemy in all of us, if we could figure out a way to live together and disregard or ignore others ways of life, we would not need Wars.

    @ GDUBS - I hear y about the political/international realtions argument, but motherfucker you sparked it with your reply! lol....

    No but bullshit aside, I defend this Country and by Country I mean the People. I would go to War proudly to defend this "Country" regardless of who sent me to War. I didn't try to join the Marines for nothing. Look at them now, they are taking care of me pretty damn good after I broke my knees and I didn't even do that in combat.

    Today it is going to be an emotional day for millions of people once the football games start. I want everyone during the first 5 mins to sit back, reflect on what is going on and give all those who lost their lives a moment of silence. I would really appreciate it if no one posted or chatted during that time.

    Thank you all and USA all the way baby!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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