I would like to have a contest “ Stormy needs a Signature” and since our community is so creative with graphic tools. I thought that there may be enough interested people to have an exhibit of the talent in our community, and help me out also.
1.I (Stormy) am not allowed to vote or decide who will win.
2.No more than Three entries per participant.
3.Contest will begin Three days after “Hell Yes” is posted so people can begin to collect their ideas.
4.Contest will end Two days after 9 different pieces are submitted, (After 9 you may still submit for the next 2 days).
5.Contest is open to anybody who has registered and is able to post in this forum
6.The winner will be totally chosen by Your votes.

Tips: Funny is good, Example (Chimp wearing pink underwear).
Silly is good Example (Chimp with an AK47).
I like funny
Don’t discuss your plans so nobody wins with your ideas

Voting All members are eligible to vote and should vote.
Disclaimer…. The above may be tweaked as needed if necessary only to make it more fair and to the advantage of participants
Of course above will need a ”Hell Yes” from Moderator’s To make it a go ahead I will probably also need some help with setting up the polling thank you and good luck.

OH Yaa and by the way the prize is 1600 Microsoft points.