Welcome to all you new recruits. If on the XBOX side please add me. CAG Twonn, if on the PSN please add those who you have been asked to add. Have fun, and happy gaming
Meet the newest members of the Clan here as well as view their introductions
Welcome to all you new recruits. If on the XBOX side please add me. CAG Twonn, if on the PSN please add those who you have been asked to add. Have fun, and happy gaming
JoeBuzzSaw here, thats also my PSN name. You can call me Ryan. I coach high school cross country and I mostly play Destiny. Don't know what else to put here haha I ran a 24 minutes 10 second 5 mile if you even cared to ask haha. CAG-Chong was a high school and told me to join.
ARCTIK KLuTCH (September 15th, 2015)
Well he is the PlayStation side of the house so that is good you're friends with him! I am XB1 so I won't be playing with you but can always help in the forums/on the website if needed. We are glad to have you on board, Chong was my mentor briefly before he went to build the PS side and they are doing REALLY well under him. I'm sure you're going to enjoy playing with your old high school buddy and nice to know a little about you!
Would like to say hello to everyone and hopefully thank you for having me here. Looking forward to making some new friends as I currently have none on the PS4 and to also being apart of an active community and having people to play with when some of the yummy titles drop in the coming months.
Welcome send sprayaim and myself a add and we'll get you lined out with everyone who plays destiny
welcome all new members remember if you are on psn add the members who are in your welcome thread and xbox add the members who are on xbox but that being it all welcome and enjoy your stay with CAG as we enjoy you playing with us if you are on psn add me HUXLEYINC thanks and enjoy
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