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Hey there everyone,
Started to look around the forums more and I found this one here. So I thought I might as well say something. The name is Big Red Kaos and I'm here just like everyone else looking to game with some awesome people. I'm 22 years old, father of one amazing boy and cant get enough of video games. I hope to one day get a channel actually working and going so I can make this into a living. I play mostly on the Xbox One and PC. I'm always looking for some more people to join with whenever I'm online. So If you ever have a open spot hit me up if you want me in there.
PS3 STINKZZZZZZ (August 8th, 2015)
Been told on by LazarusM to join here, become a big dog in ps3 destiny.
So here i am, 32 hunter, pre-ordered the taken king, 29 years old, from the netherlands.
Mainly online during the evening (my time).
Few questions from my side, we have vent or ts3?
Who's the big man on ps3 destiny, and where's my spiked neck chain?
Welcome all of you!
Beastmode (August 30th, 2015)
Hello all! Glad I joined you guys, this is an awesome family. I am originally from Los Angeles, but moved up to Seattle to pursue a career in Engineering. I am currently in Aerospace. I've been playing COD since the beginning of times, and am proficient in all the COD games needless to say. I'm pretty lethal, and I do not camp whatsoever as I think my skills enable me to run and gun anything I see Nevertheless, I hope to play with you all soon and get involved in some Clan wars!!
Yeah boi goona be fun bro!
Hey. I just applied. Need to do my marksman. Only been playing AW3 4 days so could be a little rough lmao. Preordered bo3. I am a team player and look forward to hopefully having some games with non random players. Pitt pa checking in. Let's go kick some ass.
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