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Thread: New Recruits Introduce yourselves!

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  1. #881
    Cin 4 murda's Avatar
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    Re: Cin 4 Murdas Intro

    Aggred im bi polar and i have a short temper at times that is mostly my problem but i am going to try my hardest to control my self and let gameplay do my shit talking
    Shane and Cheyenne forever

    CAG Dogg Level: 19 [?]
    Experience: 19,185
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  2. #882
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re: Cin 4 Murdas Intro

    I am glad you decided to tell us you are Bi-Polar Cin, but honestly I don't believe in that bullshit because my Son's Mom wanted to say he was Bi-Polar.

    All this shit is in your head, its psychological and only the weak minded allow others to tell them they are bi-polar. In my honest opinion Cin, being in a Clan and having some kind of mentor-ship could help you overcome this bullshit of you being bi-polar.

    I would never steer you kids wrong, having a Son of my own has changed my overall perspective on a lot of things. If I trust my Son to play with you guys, I would like for you guys too to trust me when I give you guys advice, "Or" when others in the Clan such as Toxic, Donkey, Stormy offer their 2 cents as well.

    We have gone through shit ourselves and we only talk from experience. I was supposed to be bi-polar,I had to go to a fucking shrink for 8 months every fucking monday and friday and it was so much bullshit. They tried putting me on fucking meds and I said fuck you and you and you.

    Don't believe the hype buddy, just keep your composure and remember that you can do anything as long as you keep your cool. It is never a good idea to react without assessing the situation, most of the times some things are better dealt with by keeping your mouth shut and letting your actions speak for themselves.

    With that said, I like you Cin, I really do and I hope you decide to change and try to move up in the Clan. I am being serious when I say that this could honestly help you out with your bi-polarism and even in your personal life as well. You will need to develop maturity and what better way to do so than by being some type of Leader here with CAG.

    Wish you all the best and if you ever need someone to talk to Cin, I am always here.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  3. #883
    CAG Stud
    StormySGT ELIAS's Avatar
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    Chicago, IL

    Re: Cin 4 Murdas Intro

    I like Polar Bears do you fit in lol
    CAG Stormy SGT ELIAS

    CAG Dogg Level: 51 [?]
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  4. #884
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re: Cin 4 Murdas Intro

    I bet you like polar bears hahaa! You like it when they get you polar bear style! hahha
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  5. #885
    KillerK70's Avatar
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    KillerK70 here. Hello.

    I sort of already introduced myself in the "How to join CAG" section of the Forum, but I want to introduce myself more formally and more interested than I was originally.

    I go by KillerK70 on XboxLive, I don't yet own a Playstation 3 but I almost own every other system except handhelds. I do not own a cell phone nor do I enjoy talking on the phone, my main source of communication has been email or message via XboxLive. I only play Battlefield 3, and I've got other games but I haven't played them online in ages.
    I was born in Omaha, NE and have recently moved to Portland, OR for quite a number of reasons. I've recently been diagnosed by a neural psychiatrist with what I can only describe as memory problems, I forget things easily, but that hasn't hindered my gaming much.
    I've been looking unsuccessfully for a job since graduating high school, the only plus side to this is I can make any time you need me to be on.
    I've only been into competitive gaming (clans and such) since the latter year of Bad Company 2 but I've had my run-ins with clans since playing my first online multiplayer (Halo 2). The iLL clan, if I remember right, are the only clan I remember that's thoroughly kicked me around the playing field.

    Like I mentioned in my other "greeting", I really do tend to be running around switching from sniping to supporting and from run-and-gun to camping as often as I can in the face of any situation.
    My games end as sporadically as I play and some days I just can't get a win in and others I can hold off the enemy.
    I can't wait to be more active with the CAG.

    CAG Dogg Level: 27 [?]
    Experience: 143,665
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  6. #886
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re: KillerK70 here. Hello.

    Hell yeah baby! Nebraska...I am a Huskers fan, I have family in Lincoln, Omaha, Scotts Bluff and other little cities in Nebraska.

    Well hopefully we get to play together this week and get you situated, Death says you are a very good player and we need those in the Clan.

    So once again, welcome to and to CAG, I think BF3 is going to be good for CAG now.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  7. #887
    NakedAssassin's Avatar
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    Lincoln, UK

    The one and only NakedAssassin

    Hello there [strike]girls and[/strike] boys,

    My name is Mark, I go by the online alias of NakedAssassin, and have done for 15 years now. I have been introduced to you all by my good ancient friend Deathvern, whom I have known now for nearly 10 years. I met him and a few others playing Counter Strike on the Xbox, we had some good times and had a pretty good clan going, however I think we all kind of got bored so we went our separate ways, however myself and Vern have stayed somewhat in contact over the years. So that's why I'm here, I jumped in a game of BF3 with him, he said he was in need of my services and directed me here...

    I myself have played many games over the years, not so much competitively, however have always tried to maintain an enjoyable level of skill. I mainly play FPS's, and when I play online I prefer to play as a sniper if the game will allow it. I don't mind running around with an AK screaming at everything that moves, however I prefer to support teammates, so tend to stay back and defend an area as opposed to attacking. I have played some MMO's too, did a bit of WoW which was OK for a bit, now on a bit of Old Republic. Currently I'm playing BF3, having stopped playing MW3 for the time being. I am a strategic player who looks at the bigger picture, and love using Psychology to mess with players (When possible).

    So that's a little of my gaming history, personally I enjoy going to the Gym, I am currently a student at University. My favourite food is steak. My favourite colour is purple. I have a good sense of humour and enjoy having a laugh and having fun more than anything. I may be here for several years or several months, but whilst I'm here I aim to ensure people have a good time and plenty of fun times are had.

    So yeah, I'm Naked, hit me up

    CAG Dogg Level: 22 [?]
    Experience: 47,767
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  8. #888
    CAG Stud
    StormySGT ELIAS's Avatar
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    Chicago, IL

    Re:New Recruits Introduce yourselves!

    I gota get back in Ive been away from BF3 so long I forgot what the buttons do and what class i used in what maps see you online
    CAG Stormy SGT ELIAS

    CAG Dogg Level: 51 [?]
    Experience: 12,575,490
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  9. #889
    Rep Points: 10
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    March 20th, 2025
    Local Time
    02:18 PM


    :noob: Hello CAG Members My name is Antonio I'm 15 years old and I would like to be part of your clan.Lets start off with the games I currently play are COD:MW3,BLACK OPS. I'm a incredible team player and good in tight situations. Ive heard great things about this clan and I was like I want to be part of this clan because I fit most of the requirements.

    CAG Dogg Level: 19 [?]
    Experience: 19,103
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  10. #890
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG


    Thank you for your interest in joining CAG and welcome to Your introduction is out of the way so now you have to set up your tryout.

    Make sure you go through the roster and add the right people. If you don't know who to add just look at the ranks of each of the members and how active they are on the forums. That will give you a good idea of who to add.

    Send me a FR , CAG CheechDogg , once I get your FR you will be able to see who all is on my friends list so you can start adding the others.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 289,913,487
    Next Level: 305,690,101

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