P3S: No not PS3 spelles wrong, P3S is a term I like to use for "Pick Three Spots." Each map try to find three spots that allows you to dispatch the enemy without giving notice to your location.
So many times do I see snipers hiding in positions and trying to kill people, then I see them again down the road and they changed their style. I firmly believe in focusing on your technique, and learning from what you did wrong. Unless you are sitting in the middle of the road trying to shoot people with a sniper rifle, you are already doing something right. Don't become discouraged if what starting off you die a lot. Stick with it, and soon you will be that "pain in the ass" the other team hates.
Each map offers many different areas to snipe from, just because you aren't in the IMMEDIATE action, doean't mean the action won't start coming your way. You will have to learn to get a feel from the other team. I notice a lot of times snipers in positions that are generic "sniper positions" trust me when I tell you this, people know where you are in these spots. Try to find original spots, and be sure not to "camp" if you are playing a game that allows kill cam. Try to rotate. Remember to use P3S.
I think finding a clan was the best thing I have ever done. When you are a rogue sniper, you find yourself on the respawn screen a lot. Why? Because no one communicates that you are coming to get whacked, or tells you which way they are pushing the enemy. I enjoy my clan because they communicate so well that I know almost every time where the enemy is going to come from and I am able to anticipate when to shoot.
When you find a position, try to focus the task at hand and keep yourself in cover as much as possible. I know this seems like a dumb tip, however when I am able to see 1/18th of your helmet in my sites I consider you dead. So be sure to find positions that can cover you more than you cover them.
A lot of people that I watch play are trying to lead an opponent that is running. Fortunately for everyone on this game you don't need to lead the bullets so they will meet your enemy. You can lead them a little bit, but I find that once you get them in the cross-hair don't hesitate and pull the trigger.
Headshots as a sniper will come, I promise, but if you focus on trying to get them throughout the whole game you are done for. 1. Unless you are REALLY good and hit the headshots, you will run out of ammo quickly. 2. If you miss you have to fire again, if you miss again you have to fire again, if you miss again you are dead.
As a sniper you get to see the world from a distance, which thus allows you to adapt faster than your infantry run-n-gun friends. If you see on the HUD enemy stragglers are trying to flank your team, then move into a position that lets you intercept them, or lets you cover your mates.
The last free tip I am going to give is respect. Respect everything you do. Snipers are the ones who channel themselves into a single moment and relieves the world of another un-expecting victim. Your job is to kill at a distance, not get into a lobby and start gloating because you had 0 deaths and XX amount of kills. Also respect that you aren't the best sniper in the game, you will always be second to someone because that is just how life works. Respect yourself, don't become discouraged or frustrated because you are struggling, this is only a game, and I promise if you practice you will become good.
Thank you for your time hope this helps all you snipers out there.....Shmo