I forgot to post about my first sharpshooter, it was in question and then got approved. SO, as of 6-28-11 I had gotten my first sharpshooter!
Update or start your Sharpshooter Badge thread here
I forgot to post about my first sharpshooter, it was in question and then got approved. SO, as of 6-28-11 I had gotten my first sharpshooter!
Good stuff Shake, keep working on your Sharpshooter and stay active on the site to help you rank higher.
Thanks...even though I earned it a month ago haha
Got number 2 today! Gipson was with me. Its in my file share ready for a officer! (Hazard)
Number 3! People present: PopRocks, Reaper, Dubbs, Fourm Snw Man
I'll go ahead and validate this right now. Good shit Shake
Good shit Shake! , try to stay active on the site as well and you will be ranking up like you should be my friend.
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