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Thread: In Game Instructions.

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  1. #1
    PopRocks's Avatar
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    In Game Instructions.

    Alright. I'm beginning to notice a lot of people during games are starting not to listen so much. Here and there they do, but not always. When you have someone in charge telling you where they want us all to set up, you need to make sure you set up there... Not run off and do whatever you want. I know sometimes I will run off and they'll tell me to get back, and I will. But I don't do it often, and I DON'T do it again during that game! There's no excuses for this. We need to be working as a team, not deciding who we do and do not want to listen to, and when we do and do not want to take orders. So far, everyone's been pretty easy going about this, and just letting it go. But, I'm ready to just set up with the other officers and say maybe it's time to start giving demerit points over this? Which SHOULDN'T be the CASE!!! So please!!! Listen in games so we don't have to go that far with it!! Thank you

    \m/ ( > . < ) \m/

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  2. #2
    CAG Stud
    Randuken's Avatar
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    Re:In Game Instructions.

    That is true, I seen it alot but it's suppose to be that we choose our sides / partners to the match and Normally the Highest Ranking Officer gets the nod for Squad Leader, You guys know that sometimes I want to see how others handle that (Corporal Squad Leaders)... However they aren't always there with us.

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  3. #3
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    Re:In Game Instructions.

    Krissy and Randi, I more than agree with you guys on this. It's getting out of hand in my opinion, and has made playing many games less than entertaining lately. Another problem is a lack of focus. It is getting old listening to the same people "watch" their area and go down literally, i mean literally, every time they get into position. People need to refrain from going for payback on the person that killed them and be smart enough to shift their spot to somewhere near that isn't exposed to the threat and still covers the same avenue of approach. Demerit points maybe after the individual is warned, I try to keep in mind most of the players are just kids. Yesterday I tried to help the issue by letting them "Run 'n Gun" a couple games so they could stretch their legs a lil but lol.

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  4. #4
    PopRocks's Avatar
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    Re:In Game Instructions.

    Yeah no, it's not the first time this talk has been made. So if I still see it happening, I have no problem giving out demerit points. If it was cheech, he would have just kicked them for this becoming a constant issue. We need to start taking charge of this before it get's so out of hand and everyone stops listening. You saw how it was in the game with Donkey in command. No one was listening and I had to step up and say something, in which I was IGNORED until he jumped back in like seriously no ones listening. It shouldn't ever be that way!
    coollogo com 86911990

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  5. #5
    ARCTIK KLuTCH's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Re:In Game Instructions.

    I'm on board with whatever course of action you want to take. It is beyond annoying, and quite frankly, makes me not want to play anymore. I joined the clan so someone was always watching my back and to watch other people's backs. That isn't easy to do when everyone else ditches their post and runs off dying. Not only are they leaving their sector open, the enemy starts spawning all around the map. At that point I might as well be playing with randoms, you know what I mean?

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  6. #6
    PopRocks's Avatar
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    Re:In Game Instructions.

    I know exactly what you mean. I think it's time to call a meeting with all the clan members and have a talk with them. Not this weekend but sometime during the week when we can get most people on. Though, I do believe there's people being booted from the clan as of monday since they haven't been coming around the site. So we will put this meeting together after that. But make it very clear to people who are in your game that they must be listening to you.
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  7. #7
    CAG ToxicBob's Avatar
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    Re:In Game Instructions.

    to all the newer members complaining to me about nobody playing with you or getting added to friends list read this thread this is why people don't send invites or add you as a friend this is a major issue and if you can't take orders or play as a team maybe this isn't the clan for you. and if you want to play this way these things that are being talked about are what you may want to work on

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  8. #8
    ShakeNBake's Avatar
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    Re:In Game Instructions.

    I do it, I'm not going to deny it. Sometimes I just get lost when no one tells me where to go or gives me a spot that I advance a little because there's no action in the spawn lol. I'll try to watch what Im doing more :P
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