Alright Kapt, Lucy, and I came up with these a few weeks ago. They are pretty enjoyable and actually can help you enjoy the game more. Let me know what you guys think! They would require a lot of work by everyone, especially the officers (confirming, etc) so let me know!
Believe me, these took a lot of time to come up with hahaha
Statistic Flairs (Killstreaks allowed- Spy Plane, Counter Spy Plane, Blackbird)
Greenhorn Flair- At least 10 kills, no more than 5 deaths. Explosives are OK.
Soldier Flair- At least 15 kills, no more than 7 deaths. Explosives are OK.
Commando Flair- At least 20 kills, no more than 10 deaths. Explosives are OK.
Elite Flair- At least 25 kills, no more than 5 deaths. Explosives are OK.
Objective Flairs (Must perform the flair objectives in ONE game)
Dominator Flair- In Domination, capture at least 5 flags.
Destroyer Flair- In SnD, Demolition, or Sabotage, destroy at least 3 objectives.
Defender Flair- In any gametype, have at least 5 defends.
Planter Flair- In SnD, Demolition, or Sabotage, plant at least 3 bombs.
Defuser Flair- In SnD, Demolition, or Sabotage, defuse at least 3 bombs.
Runner Flair- In CTF, capture at least 4 flags.
MyFlag Flair- In CTF, return at least 4 flags.
MrClutch Flair- In a game of SnD, clutch a game when you are the last man standing with at least three enemies alive
ACE! Flair- In a game of SnD, kill all members of the enemy team in one round. (4 enemy minimum)
Pro Flair- In a game of TDM or hcTDM, finish with at least a 6.0 k/d spread
Anti Flair
Worthless AntiFlair- Record a .50 k/d or lower in a single game (at least 30 deaths)
FriendlyFire AntiFlair- Kill a teammate in a game
Traitor AntiFlair- Get kicked from a game for team killing
EpicFail AntiFlair- Pretty self explanatory
TheCoroner Flair- In one game, record at least 250 kills
Paramedic Flair- In one game, revive 10 teammates
StayinAlive Flair- In one game, be downed less than 5 times (must be past level 12)
DirectorDown Flair- Kill George Romero in Call of the Dead
OffWithYoHead Flair- In one game, record at least 50 headshots
ZombieMaster Flair- Reach at least level 20
ZombieTamer Flair- Reach at least level 30
Wager Match
SuchAnAsshole Flair- Bankrupt at least 10 people in a single game of Sticks and Stones
StopKnifing Flair- Set at least 5 people back in a single game of Gun Game
GreatAccuracy Flair- Win a game of One in the Chamber while dying no more than twice
MrVersatile Flair- Record at least 20 kills and no more than 7 deaths in a game of Sharpshooter
Final Killcam
ThatWasLucky Flair- Get a no scope with a sniper rifle in the final killcam
Scalpin Flair- Get a tomahawk kill in the final killcam
JustInTime Flair- Get multiple kills in the final killcam
InYourEye Flair- Get a headshot in the final killcam
Ouch Flair- Get a direct impact kill in the final killcam
EPIC Flair- Degree of epic-ness is determined by an officer
2Birds1Stone Flair- Kill multiple enemies with one sniper bullet
TripleBoom Flair- Get a triple kill with a grenade, claymore, or C4
Spraaaay Flair- Get at least a triple spray
Killfeed Flair- Fill up the killfeed (4 kills in 5 seconds)
Slaughterhouse Flair- Get 7 kills in 30 seconds (non killstreak)
ThePrestige Flair- Reach the 10th Prestige
GetSomeSun Flair- Reach the 15th Prestige
BestFriendEVER Flair- Get 2 Blackbirds in a single game
HellsPuppies Flair- Get 2 Dogs in a single game
Flawless Flair- In one game, record no deaths (at least 15 kills)
Massacre Flair- In one game, record over 50 kills
Bloodbath Flair- In one game, record over 75 kills
ChuckNorris Flair- In one game, record over 100 kills
TryHard Flair- Drop shot 5 enemies in a single game
DeathFromAbove Flair- Kill an enemy while falling
GoPlayHalo Flair- Halo jump at least 5 enemies in a single game
DuhWinning Flair- Win 10 games in a row, any gametype
RandyTomahawk Flair- Get a random tomahawk kill
WhatANoob Flair- Get at least 10 kills with the grenade launcher in a single game
TheButcher Flair- Get at least 10 melee kills in a single game
BBQ Flair- Get at least 10 kills with the flamethrower in a single game
KillstreakWhore Flair- Get at least 7 kills with a single killstreak
GhillieMan Flair- Record at least 20 kills with a sniper rifle in a single game
DirtyHarry Flair- Record at least 10 kills with a pistol in a single game
MedievalKiller Flair- Record at least 7 kills with the crossbow in a single game
GoingBallistic Flair- Record at least 5 kills firing the ballistic knife in a single game
Comanche Flair- Record at least 10 kills with the tomahawk in a single game
TheTwins Flair- Record at least 10 kills with any duel-wield submachine gun and have a positive k/d ratio in a single game
BoomShakalaka Flair- Record at least 15 kills with a shotgun and have a positive k/d ratio in a single game
StickyIcky Flair- Stick 2 enemies in a single game (semtex only)
SilentButDeadly Flair- Kill 2 enemies with Nova gas in a single game
TheSAM Flair- In a single game, knock out at least 6 enemy aircraft
TheHeadhunter Flair- In a single game, record at least 7 headshots
SuicideBomber Flair- Stick a semtex onto a teammate and get an enemy kill with the semtex.