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Thread: The Creation of Dubs, Kapt, and Lucy

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  1. #1
    gratefulDUBS's Avatar
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    The Creation of Dubs, Kapt, and Lucy

    Alright Kapt, Lucy, and I came up with these a few weeks ago. They are pretty enjoyable and actually can help you enjoy the game more. Let me know what you guys think! They would require a lot of work by everyone, especially the officers (confirming, etc) so let me know!

    Believe me, these took a lot of time to come up with hahaha


    Statistic Flairs (Killstreaks allowed- Spy Plane, Counter Spy Plane, Blackbird)
    Greenhorn Flair- At least 10 kills, no more than 5 deaths. Explosives are OK.
    Soldier Flair- At least 15 kills, no more than 7 deaths. Explosives are OK.
    Commando Flair- At least 20 kills, no more than 10 deaths. Explosives are OK.
    Elite Flair- At least 25 kills, no more than 5 deaths. Explosives are OK.

    Objective Flairs (Must perform the flair objectives in ONE game)
    Dominator Flair- In Domination, capture at least 5 flags.
    Destroyer Flair- In SnD, Demolition, or Sabotage, destroy at least 3 objectives.
    Defender Flair- In any gametype, have at least 5 defends.
    Planter Flair- In SnD, Demolition, or Sabotage, plant at least 3 bombs.
    Defuser Flair- In SnD, Demolition, or Sabotage, defuse at least 3 bombs.
    Runner Flair- In CTF, capture at least 4 flags.
    MyFlag Flair- In CTF, return at least 4 flags.
    MrClutch Flair- In a game of SnD, clutch a game when you are the last man standing with at least three enemies alive
    ACE! Flair- In a game of SnD, kill all members of the enemy team in one round. (4 enemy minimum)
    Pro Flair- In a game of TDM or hcTDM, finish with at least a 6.0 k/d spread

    Anti Flair
    Worthless AntiFlair- Record a .50 k/d or lower in a single game (at least 30 deaths)
    FriendlyFire AntiFlair- Kill a teammate in a game
    Traitor AntiFlair- Get kicked from a game for team killing
    EpicFail AntiFlair- Pretty self explanatory

    TheCoroner Flair- In one game, record at least 250 kills
    Paramedic Flair- In one game, revive 10 teammates
    StayinAlive Flair- In one game, be downed less than 5 times (must be past level 12)
    DirectorDown Flair- Kill George Romero in Call of the Dead
    OffWithYoHead Flair- In one game, record at least 50 headshots
    ZombieMaster Flair- Reach at least level 20
    ZombieTamer Flair- Reach at least level 30

    Wager Match
    SuchAnAsshole Flair- Bankrupt at least 10 people in a single game of Sticks and Stones
    StopKnifing Flair- Set at least 5 people back in a single game of Gun Game
    GreatAccuracy Flair- Win a game of One in the Chamber while dying no more than twice
    MrVersatile Flair- Record at least 20 kills and no more than 7 deaths in a game of Sharpshooter

    Final Killcam
    ThatWasLucky Flair- Get a no scope with a sniper rifle in the final killcam
    Scalpin Flair- Get a tomahawk kill in the final killcam
    JustInTime Flair- Get multiple kills in the final killcam
    InYourEye Flair- Get a headshot in the final killcam
    Ouch Flair- Get a direct impact kill in the final killcam
    EPIC Flair- Degree of epic-ness is determined by an officer

    2Birds1Stone Flair- Kill multiple enemies with one sniper bullet
    TripleBoom Flair- Get a triple kill with a grenade, claymore, or C4
    Spraaaay Flair- Get at least a triple spray
    Killfeed Flair- Fill up the killfeed (4 kills in 5 seconds)
    Slaughterhouse Flair- Get 7 kills in 30 seconds (non killstreak)
    ThePrestige Flair- Reach the 10th Prestige
    GetSomeSun Flair- Reach the 15th Prestige
    BestFriendEVER Flair- Get 2 Blackbirds in a single game
    HellsPuppies Flair- Get 2 Dogs in a single game
    Flawless Flair- In one game, record no deaths (at least 15 kills)
    Massacre Flair- In one game, record over 50 kills
    Bloodbath Flair- In one game, record over 75 kills
    ChuckNorris Flair- In one game, record over 100 kills
    TryHard Flair- Drop shot 5 enemies in a single game
    DeathFromAbove Flair- Kill an enemy while falling
    GoPlayHalo Flair- Halo jump at least 5 enemies in a single game
    DuhWinning Flair- Win 10 games in a row, any gametype
    RandyTomahawk Flair- Get a random tomahawk kill
    WhatANoob Flair- Get at least 10 kills with the grenade launcher in a single game
    TheButcher Flair- Get at least 10 melee kills in a single game
    BBQ Flair- Get at least 10 kills with the flamethrower in a single game
    KillstreakWhore Flair- Get at least 7 kills with a single killstreak
    GhillieMan Flair- Record at least 20 kills with a sniper rifle in a single game
    DirtyHarry Flair- Record at least 10 kills with a pistol in a single game
    MedievalKiller Flair- Record at least 7 kills with the crossbow in a single game
    GoingBallistic Flair- Record at least 5 kills firing the ballistic knife in a single game
    Comanche Flair- Record at least 10 kills with the tomahawk in a single game
    TheTwins Flair- Record at least 10 kills with any duel-wield submachine gun and have a positive k/d ratio in a single game
    BoomShakalaka Flair- Record at least 15 kills with a shotgun and have a positive k/d ratio in a single game
    StickyIcky Flair- Stick 2 enemies in a single game (semtex only)
    SilentButDeadly Flair- Kill 2 enemies with Nova gas in a single game
    TheSAM Flair- In a single game, knock out at least 6 enemy aircraft
    TheHeadhunter Flair- In a single game, record at least 7 headshots
    SuicideBomber Flair- Stick a semtex onto a teammate and get an enemy kill with the semtex.

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  2. #2
    PopRocks's Avatar
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    Re: The Creation of Dubs, Kapt, and Lucy

    Awesome post, liking all the ... "Flairs" haha... Just so everyone that wasn't in the chat when we were talking about this, the "Flairs" are like Badges. There's a lot here... are we going to be making up a badge pic for each and every one of these?

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  3. #3
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    Re: The Creation of Dubs, Kapt, and Lucy

    I like them, it's a good idea. We just got to come with a System for it or else it'll be tough to hand all those badges/flairs with the members we have. It has been said that they have to be done with a squad leader or above. Might even have them post it on the badges forums, We'll see how this goes. I think it should be broken down into categories, like if you complete one you get a special badge.

    CAG Dogg Level: 58 [?]
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  4. #4
    xxvenusdoom666x's Avatar
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    Re:The Creation of Dubs, Kapt, and Lucy

    sounds good when is it active

    CAG Dogg Level: 25 [?]
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  5. #5
    DonkeyKong's Avatar
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    Re: The Creation of Dubs, Kapt, and Lucy

    I like this guys. I'll probably be getting the anti-flairs though. lol. I am, however, not looking forward to reviewing a bunch of these... but I will enjoy reviewing the suicide bomber flair, that is hilarious.

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  6. #6
    MrsRABIDchiaP3T's Avatar
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    Re:The Creation of Dubs, Kapt, and Lucy

    Wow that was very long.. The idea is cool. I think it would definitely make stuff more fun.. but hopefully members would pay attention to the game as well and not just trying to get the "flairs". How do these badges and flairs work? Like how does everyone know who has what badges or flairs?

    CAG Dogg Level: 30 [?]
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  7. #7
    PopRocks's Avatar
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    Re:The Creation of Dubs, Kapt, and Lucy

    You know to be honest, I think a lot of these are already on the game and you get them for your challenges or whatever they're called. You know where you end a game, and its like you just received 10k in XP. Lol. So I'm not sure how this is going to work. I do love this concept but I agree there is a LOT of them to try and keep track of. The zombie one is perfectly fine as it's a whole new thing on it's own. I say, the ones that are challenges on Black Ops already, do we need those? I mean, we can just see on someones record if they got that or not. The original ideas are a definite keep. I'd have to sift back through all of those though to see where those are at and separate everything. Any ideas on that?
    coollogo com 86911990

    CAG Dogg Level: 39 [?]
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