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Thread: Gdubs' CoD Tips

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  1. #11
    gratefulDUBS's Avatar
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    Re: Gdubs' CoD Tips

    Alright guys, i'm gonna have the next 5 CoD tips up and posted by the end of the week. Look for em

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  2. #12
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    Re: Gdubs' CoD Tips

    Ok, will do Can I add one for zombies?
    Don't. Die.
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  3. #13
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    Re: Gdubs' CoD Tips

    HERE YA GO GUYS! The next 5 of my CoD tips!

    1.Listen to Your Surroundings
    This is another tip that could easily go under the idea of making calculated decisions. The developers of CoD always try to make sure their players can use the game’s sound to their own advantage. There are a lot of different sounds that are made in a normal game of CoD. I completely understand that Treyarch has decided to make Ninja Pro completely silent. The problem with that is that most people either have not fulfilled the Ninja Pro requirements or just flat out don’t decide to use it. If an enemy is using Ninja Pro, you basically will not be able to use the surrounding sounds to your advanatage. You will need to rely on other abilities to conquer them. I will be covering those other abilities. The rest is for enemies that are NOT using Ninja Pro. Whether it’s the sound of the enemy picking up ammo or it’s the sound of the enemy calling out snipers, you can use all of these things to your advantage. Example: Your teammate is using a L96A1. You are right behind him/her watching their back. Your teammate kills an enemy. You hear in the background “SNIPER!.” That means that there is an enemy within your range. Plain and simple. LISTEN. There are so many different things that Treyarch has added into their game that is meant to elevate the ability of a good listener. Most players think that they need to pay attention listening to footsteps, but the enemy team makes a lot of other sounds as well. Ninja pro silences the sound of your footsteps, so instead of listening so hard for footsteps, try and listen for other sounds. If an enemy is near you and reloads, you will be able to hear it. If the enemy is near you and walks over some ammo, you will be able to hear that. Try and pay attention to that and your gameplay will pick up even more. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN. Pay attention to what your teammates are saying. Past that, listen to what your environment is telling you.

    2.Know Your Maps
    This is arguably the most important tip of them all. If you do not know your maps then you will be absolutely hopeless. ESPECIALLY with the way that our clan strategically designs gameplay. If you do not know the exact pathways of enemies to your position, you will fail. You need to know EVERY way that an enemy can come into your line of sight or even location. If you do not know, you put yourself in danger and you put the ENTIRE team in danger. I am fairly certain that most of our members know their maps fairly well. If you do not know your maps well and you plan on being an established member of this clan, then you need to go into Combat Training and run through every single map until you know them like the palm of your hand. For those that are experienced, if you come into a problem with an enemies location, just refer to your mini-map. I understand that this will only be available for us with a UAV online (since we play mostly HC) but that will help you a lot. We play hardcore. That means, for the most part, we will not have a mini-map available. This only increases the need for our members to KNOW THEIR MAPS. It will help out the team and it will HELP YOU OUT.

    I cannot stress this enough. You need to communicate. Let me just give you a quick summary of how we run communication in CAG. Everyone is quiet. Chatter and personal talk is reserved for the chat room on the website and/or in the Pregame Lobby. The only chatter that should be heard in-game should be call-outs, places you have been killed, your own location, orders from the SQUAD LEADER/OFFICER that has authority over the party, or enemy killstreaks that are online. Chatter is a distraction. Listen to your squad leader/officer. The reason that they are in that position is because they have earned it. Your own opinions can either be expressed in the pregame lobby or on the website. BE MATURE with your opinions. When you see an enemy, call out their location. Kill them, then acknowledge that you have killed them. When you have died, do your best to call out your location and where you were killed from. Sometimes this is difficult, but do your best. When we start a game, when spawns have flipped, or when you have respawned, let the team know where you are located and what section of the area you have under watch. Communication is INCREDIBLY important.

    4.Be Aware of Your Surroundings
    This one is fairly simple. Know where you are located. If you are watching an area that has four possible areas of entry for an enemy, make sure you are spanning across each of those four areas. Lets take Jungle for example. The team is located in the Ruins. Your assigned location is the Goat Path coming from the left side of the map. You must be PRIMARILY watching that Goat Path and making sure you are watching for sneaky little buggars that are going prone trying to get you. Your secondary watch is the creek bed. You need to pay more attention to the Goat Path than the creek because someone is going to be watching the creek, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t be checking for it as well. ALSO, perfect example for the Goat Path guard. Stay behind the rocks. If you poke your head out, you are vulnerable to shots from the Sniper Rock and also the Small Hut on the left hand side leading down to the Goat Path. BE AWARE. Know where you can be killed from. Know where enemies can see you on a flanking route or on a middle of the map route. You need to be aware of everything. If you are standing next to a car or an explosive barrel, blow that shit up first. You don’t want to be embarrassed because you weren’t watching where the hell you were standing. Being aware of your surroundings not only encompasses where you are watching for enemies; you need to know where you are at and where an enemy can kill you.

    5.Use Killstreaks that YOU can get
    Yes. We all love getting Blackbirds and Chopper Gunners. Believe me, theres nothing better to me than getting a good batch of doggies after gunning down multiple enemies with a Chopper Gunner and THEN having a Blackbird ready to launch. It just doesn’t happen every damn game. When you are playing with a full team of CAG, don’t have your killstreaks raised so high. ESPECIALLY if you do not think you will be able to get those killstreaks game after game. Let me give you an example of my own normal HC TDM killstreak setup. I have gotten plenty of Dogs/Hinds. I love getting multiple kills with a killstreak, but what I love better is helping out the ENTIRE team. We play Hardcore. That means that the mini-map is not always accessible for use. The ability of having the mini-map is something that can change the tide of a game. For that reason, I always run Spy Plane-Attack Helicopter-Blackbird. 2 of those 3 help out the team as a whole tremendously. Everyone can use the Spy Plane and everyone can use the Blackbird. Yes, the attack chopper helps out the teammates in the fact that less enemies are available to kill/kill you, or make more of the enemy team funnel inside to avoid the chopper, but REALLY its so that I can get some kills. I run those killstreaks because I am comfortable with the fact that I can get them. If you are not comfortable with that, then choose a different setup! Use this: Spy Plane, Counter Spy Plane, Care Package/Napalm. Napalm is very useful. Care packages are very useful, especially if you have a teammate with Hardline Pro enabled. The importance of killstreaks is paramount. CoD has always been killstreak heavied. Killstreaks are important and WILL change the tide in a game. Make sure that you have killstreaks enabled that YOU can attain and the game will be won. Because we are CAG and we will ALWAYS win in the end.

    Thats all for now, I have 5 more CoD tips and then I will be moving on to Killstreak Setups and Sample Class Setups. I hope you all enjoy this and I hope that you all will learn something!

    -Gdubs OUT

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  4. #14
    CAG Lucifer748's Avatar
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    Re: Gdubs' CoD Tips

    good shit dubby. i love reading your tips

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  5. #15
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    Re: Gdubs' CoD Tips

    Good Stuff Gdubs .. I really like it

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  6. #16
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    Re: Gdubs' CoD Tips

    Just a quickie...

    If you DO hear foot steps, and you ask someone if it's them, it might be a better option to quickly check your map to see if there's an arrow near you showing your team mate. This will probably be quicker than waiting for a response from your teammate to tell you whether or not it's them. I know I used it lots today for that purpose, and more than usual it was NOT a teammate and was able to take the guy out before he got near me.
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  7. #17
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    Re: Gdubs' CoD Tips

    I always check my map so I know if there is someone besides my team mates around.

    That map is so under rated and everyone should use it more often.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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