Hey guys- I had posted these when i was here a few weeks ago, but there are a large number of new members who haven't had a chance to try these out. These are the first 5 tips and I am planning on having this being a type of a series of mine. These tips can help out anyone, the hardened veteran or the FPS new guy, and everyone in between. Let me know what you guys think. If this is received well by the clan, I will continue to post new tips every week. Once I am done with the tips, I will start posting up some general Class setups for various gameplays/types, killstreak setups, etc.
1.Pay Attention to Your Mini-Map
I understand that we play mostly hardcore gametypes, which means that there is not normally a mini-map. But, when we have a spy plane up, the mini-map is there. Your mini-map will help out more than you probably know. The mini-map allows you to have a birds-eye view of the map at your location. That will allow you to plan your movement accordingly. Since we play mostly hardcore, if your mini-map is showing, then that means you have a spy plane up. The spy plane is something that will help you out a lot. You need to pay attention to enemy movement based on the spy plane, but you cannot allow yourself to become a slave to the spy plane. A lot of people use Ghost, which allows them to be invisible to spy planes. So, you need to make sure that you are moving according to enemy movement, but you also need to be very careful to make sure you don’t get picked off by a Ghost user.
2.Know Your Team’s Location
This is something that will help you out tremendously. The number one thing that you can learn from knowing your team’s location is the location of the enemy’s spawn. I am not talking about attempting to spawn trap a team, because in Team Deathmatch, spawn trapping is fairly impossible on MOST maps. It is important to know, because then you will know where to set up. If most of your team is on one side of the map, then you can allow yourself to set up watching the other side of the map. Yes, sometimes the spawn system in CoD is broken, but most of the time you can allow it to work to your advantage without abusing it. Knowing your team’s location can also help you out, because if members of your team start getting picked off, then you can generally tell where the conflict is coming from, although communication would also help you out there.
Your controller’s sensitivity is something that can either help you or hurt you. If you are having trouble getting good hits on enemies then you most likely need to turn down your sensitivity. You need to make sure that you are comfortable with your sensitivity; if you’re not, then you will not play well. The higher your sensitivity, the better you will play. A higher sensitivity will help you move your view faster. You will be able to turn around much quicker. If you are thinking about changing your sensitivity, then you must make it a slow change. Say you’re playing on 4 sensitivity, but you want to raise it. Take it to 5 and get comfortable with that before you move on. Personally, I play on 8 and will not change it. In my opinion, anything past that is a little too much. Most casual players will not be able to handle that high of a sensitivity, so please do not let my own settings cause you to go too high. Find a sensitivity that suits you and stick with it.
4.Get Behind Cover
Cover is your friend in CoD. Especially in Hardcore gametypes. When I am playing, I always move along the outer edges of a map. When you decide to sit down and set up somewhere, you must check around you for cover in case things get hairy. When there are multiple enemies closing on your position, then you must make sure you have something you can duck behind. Pick off as many of them as you can, get behind cover, and then get back up for the others. When you are moving around a map, you must make sure you are checking for cover wherever you are at, it will save your life.
5.Make Calculated Decisions
This is probably one of the most important things that will help you out. I will give you three examples of how your decisions will impact your gameplay. The first example is when and when not to shoot. If you see an enemy crossing in front of you, but you’re not sure whether or not you can get an effective shot off, then don’t shoot. Every time you fire your weapon you give away your position, whether or not you have a suppressor attached to your weapon. Especially if the enemy is close to you. It is always better to allow the enemy to cross and then watch for them to come out the other side. Always remember, if you don’t think you can hit the enemy and you know if you fire you will give away your position, then don’t shoot. Be patient. The second example is when your character pulls himself up and over barriers, walls, etc. Every time you do that, your character makes a grunting sound. Players that are very conscience of their surroundings will notice that and find you helplessly lifting yourself up and shoot you. I know it, because I do the same thing when I’m playing. So, if you are going to do that, then just remember to be cautious. The third example is knowing when the enemy team has a spy plane up. The game will always notify you if the enemy team has a spy plane up, so you need to make sure you are paying attention to that. Especially if you are not using ghost. If they have a spy plane up then you know that they can see you. If you are using ghost and the enemy has a spy plane up then you can easily use that to your advantage since they are going to be watching for the red dots on their mini-map, and then you can pop right in and take them down.