May 25-31 I will be MIA in on a cruise but will try to get to a computer as much as possible and mobile wifi
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May 25-31 I will be MIA in on a cruise but will try to get to a computer as much as possible and mobile wifi
CAG Covieleader (May 16th, 2015),xPARCHx (May 15th, 2015)
CAG Covieleader (May 16th, 2015),Lesbehonest (May 16th, 2015)
I just posting here to inform on me being M.I.A. do to being really sick since last Thursday with fever and my back pain being really bad. I when to the hospital on Sunday and found out I have Pneumonia. SO I have been taking the time to rest and I'll be on as soon as am better.
Beastmode (May 20th, 2015),Ragez Fury93 (May 20th, 2015)
I will be MIA over the weekend. My brother was T-boned on the highway this morning by a construction worker and his car rolled off the highway. He's in UW Madison staying for observation with a Broken Vertebrae, Broken Ribs, a laceration across his jaw and a concussion.
On top of that, I am helping family move on Friday and Saturday and then on Sunday I have a golf outing in the morning and a Cook out in the mid afternoon.
I will see you guys shortly after that. I will still be accessible through my phone, just not on XBL.
CAG Beastmode
CAG Covieleader (May 22nd, 2015),Nesty (May 21st, 2015)
Gonna be MIA as usual off xboxlive through until Monday due to work.Will still be active over forums 100% though
CAG Covieleader (May 22nd, 2015)
Beastmode (May 22nd, 2015)
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