Will be away from the Xbox for a week but should be checking in on the forums through my phone (might be on the box tonight). Play with you all when I get back.
Latest news and announcements will be posted here. If you have any questions, you can also ask them here.
Hey guys sorry i havent been able to get on here lately but im going to be MIA til Wed my lil boy needed meds and i have to sell most my stuff and i wont have any of my stuff back til Wed hopefully i can get my headset and my Ghost game back so i can start to play again like i said im sorry it took so long for me to post i just got my phone back.
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Guys i dont know if any one noticed or was told but i was gone for a while and had some family things to take care of and needed a new phone to surf the forums but i am back with a new phone so forums watch out but gaming on the box might still be a issue but i am here to play when i can.
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