I am on my way back to Texas I'll be there on Friday. I will be on and off the site. But my phones always on for who has my number.
Latest news and announcements will be posted here. If you have any questions, you can also ask them here.
CAG Covieleader (July 31st, 2014)
CAG Covieleader (July 31st, 2014),Kujeaux (July 29th, 2014)
HG867 (August 3rd, 2014)
Hey guys umm I will be bouncing on and off for a while. Going through a tough time. If ya'll really wanna know inbox me. I don't know how long i'll be on and off for.
So I won't be on tomorrow night or Friday..I will be heading to college for preseason..no Xbox but I'll be on the forums.
NuT jOb (September 4th, 2014)
NuT jOb (September 4th, 2014)
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