So Im sure most of you havent heard but you might have. I think its been on national news. The city of Minot, ND is currently battling a catastrophic flood. Minot also happens to be 20 miles from my home town and the major city where everyone goes to buy groceries and stuff. If you need something you go to Minot. Anyway record snowfall and record rain this spring has filled up all the dams that feed the mouse river and there is nothing they can do but open the dams. Minot is expecting the crest to be 12 feet above any previous record. 12 FEET!!!!
The city has pretty much given up trying to protect residential housing and is focusing on main infrastructure to keep the city going and to speed up recovery. Over 11,000 people are evacuated. Many of them will lose their homes and everything they have. I have many friends that live in Minot and their houses will be completely underwater.
I know all of you can't do anything about it, and most of you don't really care, but your thoughts and prayers for Minot will help.
If you guys want to take a look at some footage and more details, the local tv station has a 24 hr live stream thru ustream. You should check it out. Its pretty crazy.
KX News