XBOX One owners who play COD: WW2 will finally get the first DLC "The Resistance" on March 1st one month after it released for the PS4. The first DLC will contain 3 new maps, Valkyrie, Anthropoid, and Occupation and a new "Chapter" called "The Darkest Shore". It has new weapons and a fog environment that is supposed to make it more scary for players.
Since 2010 XBOX Players got to play the new maps before Playstation players because of an exclusivity agreement. This agreement included all dlc from add-ons to map packs as well as first crack at playing betas before official release of the games.
However, PS4 players have posted around the internet in forums and blogs that the new maps are nothing new and in fact resemble maps from other Call of Duty games. This is nothing new, originality is not something that Call of Duty games have had for the last 3 years and players are getting tired of it.
The Season Pass is at least $50, but players can also get the new map packs individually which cost $15 each. For players who have the game both on PS4 and XBOX One it's obviously a high price to pay in order to play the game with the new DLC on both consoles and there should be a way to redeem a code on both consoles.
The exclusivity agreement however makes it impossible for something like this to happen and while COD sales for WW2 went through the roof reception by players was described as "generally favored" which translates to "this game is really not that good".
With the official announcement of a new COD that is set to be released in 2018 hesitation to pay for new DLC from gamers should increase. One month gives players enough time to read reviews about the new maps and the reviews that have been posted are not very good.
Nevertheless COD enthusiasts will disregard reviews both negative and positive and just have their parents pay for a Season Pass.
More and more adults will begin to see the waste of money new COD DLC is just like Microsoft probably foresaw which made it easy for them to allow Activision and PS4 to sign their own exclusivity agreement for Call of Duty games and add-ons.
XBOX One players should wait before they spend more money on maps that should be free to begin with and only pay to rent servers like Battlefield players can.
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