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Thread: COD Players Mad About New MP Mode "Centrist"

Discussion Forums for COD WW 2

  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    COD Players Mad About New MP Mode "Centrist"

    "Nazis always win" COD WW2 players cry regarding the new Centrist Multiplayer mode which is being played during the beta.

    Haven't they learned by now that COD games are completely whoring everyone who buys these games ? While I will never play anything else but old school game modes like Team Deathmatch, Search and Destroy, "LAST MAN STANDING" it is still frustrating to see Activision, Sledgehammer and everyone else spend so much time on new game modes that have no chance to succeed instead of improving the popular game modes and adding a true clan system to COD games just like what Ghost Recon had over 15 years ago !!!!

    Check this bullshit out below !!!

    call of duty ww2 point and clickbait

    By Point and Clickbait

    Activision are standing firm in the face of angry player feedback from the beta test weekend of Call of Duty: WWII, claiming that the new ‘Centrist’ multiplayer mode is working as intended despite Nazis always winning.

    The controversial new mode is coming under heavy criticism for the way that it forces all soldiers on the Allied side to approach every Nazi soldier and open up a dialogue with them, prior to any combat starting.

    Once each individual Nazi has been fully interrogated as to their beliefs, motivations and values in an extensive 30-minute conversation, the Allied player must then attempt to debunk them through a series of ‘reason and logic’ quick-time events.

    If the Allied player succeeds at the debunking phase, the Nazi player is removed from the game — but if they fail, the Allied player is converted to a Nazi and joins their team instead.

    While this whole mechanic might sound like a reasonable foundation for a thriving democracy so far, what really has the pro-gaming community riled up is that Nazi players have no such restrictions and can just shoot anybody with their guns at any time.

    “This game mode sucks balls,” explained pro gamer Neal Clayton. “It’s not fun to play and it’s not fun to be part of, in any capacity. Just thinking about it is making me angry.”

    For their part however, Activision says that players just need to “give the Centrism experiment more time”.

    “We’re confident that the Centrist mode will deliver great results,” said an Activision spokesperson in a statement.

    “We understand that it feels like the Nazis are winning, but they are vulnerable to facts and logic, so we encourage Allied players to brush up on their debating skills and just keep engaging with the genocidal racists in good faith.”

    Point & Clickbait is the internet's finest source for extremely true, real, and in no way satirical gaming news. It is also a part of the PC Games Network.

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  3. #2
    D3AD MIRROR's Avatar
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    Wow!! This game mode is a big ole slimy slop of dog shit that nobody wants a part of.

    I will stick with GTA where anybody can do whatever the fuck they want. The adversary mode called motor wars is amazing. It is like TDM meets a bombless SND match with badass vehicles. Ask Sgt StormyElias

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