I am looking forward to it even though I haven't looked at the latest trailers.
Discussion Forums for COD WW 2
I am looking forward to it even though I haven't looked at the latest trailers.
I'm interested in the campaign for the first time in a long time. Even if multiplayer sucks balls, I'd still get it at some point just for campaign.
In regards to multiplayer... ::shoulder shrug:: ... could be awesome. Could suck dongers. From the trailers it looks like it could be fun. Looks like they are taking a hint and adding more than just infantry play for the first time since WaW. So many variables though. Even if the gameplay is solid and everything is balanced, are you gonna get dropped from lobbies before you finish a round? Will people with bad connections get a handicap? What about matchmaking itself? Will you even be in a lobby with people with shit connections or will it match you up with others with solid connections?
Time will tell. I do know that I will wait until after launch to purchase cause good ole BF4... lessons were learned.
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CAG JB (August 11th, 2017),StormySGT ELIAS (August 11th, 2017)
So what is the verdict? Do I pre order this possible crap shoot? Wait and see what happens and then decide? I believe I will wait and see what happens after launch. See what people think that have actually played it. Does anyone know if you can pre order and get the beta and if you don't like it cancel it before it comes out? I know I am cheap, but you have to be with 6 kids.
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BlameItOnGod13 (August 15th, 2017)
Sometimes it can be worth it but in the last 2 or 3 years, even 5 or 6, I've never said "damn I'm glad I preodered" haha. Only benefit is to preorder digital cause you can preload the game and play at midnight I think but even still, most games in the last few years have been broken at launch.
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I haven't pre-ordered a game since Madden 2002 lol ... no game has been worth a pre-order especially a COD game ... sucks to say it and to be so damn pessimistic about a game that we should be promoting to other gamers and potential recruits and new members ... but those who know me know that I don't hold back on my opinions and more so clear as day facts about things ...
Riddled (August 17th, 2017)
Lol .. I don't care what others think lol ... if there is something I want to say I say it ... don't ever think you can't post what you want here on the forums ... everything goes !!! just don't ever insult someone directly and you are welcomed to post what the fuck you want !!!
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