So as you all know the last 4 COD games have really been "Stinking up the Joint" ... Even though COD games continue to sell hundreds of millions of copies, 25 million Black Ops 3 copies alone we all continue and complain about how bad these games have been. We continue to allow Activision to take our hard earned money thinking that the next game is going to be better, yet since Black Ops 1 all games since have been huge disappointments for COD loyals who love boots on the ground and not futuristic bullshit ...
So do you guys think that COD: WW II will make things better and bring back glory that COD games once had ?
The last 2 years have been the worst for me as a gamer not only because COD games have sucked ass but because no one else is making good games either. Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games have also sucked ass with only Battlefield doing just enough to keep real gamers entertained and satisfied ....
So what do you guys think?
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 290,216,782
Next Level: 305,690,101
So as you all know the last 4 COD games have really been "Stinking up the Joint" ... Even though COD games continue to sell hundreds of millions of copies, 25 million Black Ops 3 copies alone we all continue and complain about how bad these games have been. We continue to allow Activision to take our hard earned money thinking that the next game is going to be better, yet since Black Ops 1 all games since have been huge disappointments for COD loyals who love boots on the ground and not futuristic bullshit ...
So do you guys think that COD: WW II will make things better and bring back glory that COD games once had ?
The last 2 years have been the worst for me as a gamer not only because COD games have sucked ass but because no one else is making good games either. Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games have also sucked ass with only Battlefield doing just enough to keep real gamers entertained and satisfied ....
So what do you guys think?
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 290,216,782
Next Level: 305,690,101
I think this game will pretty much deem those who use the scuff controllers useless and them useless imo.
The class setup system seems pretty interesting but seems to level out the battlefield making it more fair game thus removing the "aces up the sleeve" a.k.a air jumping, specialist abilities, etc.
If it pans out well this may the golden egg.
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CAG Dogg Level: 32 [?]
Experience: 410,997
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The new class set up to me is probably going to suck ass like how they did with Rainbow Six: Siege ... More and more developers are taking away the rich deep features in games and now they are doing it to shooters ... if they took a look at how they did the weapon system in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier ... the "Gunsmith" feature was the best of any game ...check it out below ...
And here is a video of me wiping out the whole opposing team ... SOB ! ...
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 290,216,782
Next Level: 305,690,101
Class manipulation has always been one of my pet peeves as well. Sounds like this will be an arcade style game with a few classes options from what I have seen so far. Sounds pretty basic.
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CAG Dogg Level: 32 [?]
Experience: 410,997
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Too fucking basic ... this is exactly what I am talking about when I say they keep wattering down games on Next Gen ! They go back to boots on the ground which I was excited about at first ... but then they fuck with the "classes" and remove all the flexibility because they want to "level the playing field" and make it fair for everyone ? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME !!!
They take 1 step forward then 5 steps back !! I like that they removed perks but they have this new thing called training ? Here is a video talking about this:
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 290,216,782
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Well. I am glad that downloaded bf4 because I am not looking forward to this game. Training? What?!! Ok Grouping the perks together or whatever is some bullshit. I just watched the video. I am not happy.
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CAG Dogg Level: 32 [?]
Experience: 410,997
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This is like a put a quarter in the slot and press the A button kind of game. Looks boring actually.
BTW I don't know if you might have noticed but quick scoping is going to play a huge factor in this game. Just watch how fast ADS is when he gets the sniper rifle out. I would imagine that is chest and higher? I will have to read up on that. If this is the case then it will throw a big wrench into things.
CAG Dogg Level: 32 [?]
Experience: 410,997
Next Level: 453,790