Again with great pleasure I can say this within such short space of Riddled's year with CAG.
CAG BigMak celebrates his year of service with CAG clan.Like us all he has already see his fair share of ups and downs within CAG and still he continues to game with CAG members and work with other towards progression with awards etc.All this while taking a hard choice to transfer to Whiskey which if I do so myself he seems right at home with everyone.
Personally if you haven't had the chance to game with BigMak you really should take time out to do so,Mak is probably one of the most down to earth,chilled out fellas that i myself have ever had the time to game with.He enjoys gaming and games they way everyone should as a hobby,a way to wind down and chill out with like minded people.
From myself to you BigMak,A huge congrats on your year with CAG.Don't ever change who you are or the mannerisms that you portray as it makes you who you are.Congrats again buddy!!
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