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Thread: Happy Birthday Lbp102, Doomman90, Olacnog354, Test399700, Isaacmin0000, Imammuddin80, Hhgghh700, Precisionintegra, Ahmetaaliyea,...

This is the place to place that Happy B-day wish!

  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
    Rep Points: 670958
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    This member is currently
    Local Date
    February 25th, 2025
    Local Time
    03:51 PM
    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Happy Birthday Lbp102, Doomman90, Olacnog354, Test399700, Isaacmin0000, Imammuddin80, Hhgghh700, Precisionintegra, Ahmetaaliyea,...

    43 members are celebrating their birthday on January 1st, 2017:

    -lbp102 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -doomman90 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -olacnog354 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -test399700 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -isaacmin0000 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -imammuddin80 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -hhgghh700 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -precisionintegra (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -ahmetaaliyea (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -7star772 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -meisamdjafshin (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -bokula36 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -Chris_Charles (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -omarykibwanah55 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -michaelf1217 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -xjamesgames (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -stevenheaton87 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -Hadi303 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -svendsshajan007 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -jasonstuehmer41 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -dragondhome (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -jd456 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -agrawalamit378 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -devthomas01 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -hamadmhmed (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -obethdimas27 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -ablaviakakpo01 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -santoshbala786 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -akeemtobby47 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -panjiraha90 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -thatdopechuy (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -sergik721 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -dylanfieger (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -thehunckerma (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -hhhwt3573 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -waseemakqadoumi (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -traceur322 (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -diabolicjoker (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -ehsanalavi (born in 1970, Age: 47)
    -marcellopisapia (born in 1976, Age: 41)
    -CAG ShadowSnypr (born in 1987, Age: 30)
    -zxzxasas500 (born in 1990, Age: 27)
    -reeganjames123 (born in 1993, Age: 24)

    Happy Birthday!

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 289,070,368
    Next Level: 305,690,101

  2. #2
    CAG Stud
    Riddled's Avatar
    Rep Points: 17846
    Rep Power: 737
    This member is currently
    Local Date
    February 25th, 2025
    Local Time
    06:51 PM
    Missouri, USA
    Senior Member

    Happy Birthday Lbp102, Doomman90, Olacnog354, Test399700, Isaacmin0000, Imammuddin80, Hhgghh700, Precisionintegra, Ahmetaaliyea,...

    Holy crap! That a lot of New Years b-days. I think someone's fibbing. Lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 42 [?]
    Experience: 2,819,823
    Next Level: 3,025,107

  3. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Riddled For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (January 1st, 2017)

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