I have never played battlefield before, I am getting my ass stomped pretty regularly so far. Getting a bit better but it is definitely different.
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CAG JB (July 22nd, 2017)
Everyone has their good days and bad days,games great when you can hook up with others.Definitely a squad must to enjoy it.
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CAG JB (July 22nd, 2017)
StormySGT ELIAS (July 23rd, 2017)
CAG JB (July 23rd, 2017)
So did I for the most part, you can almost get too comfortable to the point where the weapons no longer a challenge to use. That's where you switch it up and move onto the next and so on and so on until your fully accustomed.
Everyone and nearly everyone ran the M16a3 as it was strong, same as the aek.
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I don't even remember what was it that i used the most ... I did however use the MK.11 cuz I sniped a lot ...