I guess 1st things 1st my name is natasha.I'm 20 years old. I've been married almost a year and i'm having to share my xbox with my husband because he gave his up to his little brother lol. I finally got my own gametag a lil while ago, Where I live before my husband I couldnt get anything besides dial up internet, which sucks. Soon ill have more time to play once my college class end this month or beganing of next month so I can play more. I like 1st person shooters games. some games I enjoy are black ops, MW 2, left 4 dead and a little halo. however I still love my gamecube for my resident evil 4.lol final fantasy 10 is one of the few games for ps2 that still has a little piece of my heart. right now I can play anywhere from 10am-1pm and from 6pm til 12 on monday n wednesday and from 6pm-12am tuesday n thursday. friday 9am -6pm and early saturday before 2pm and after 9pm. I'll be gameing it up after classes are over thank god. lol. anyways I'm not sure what else to say but my
gamertag is FL SWEPT AWAY. Hit Me Up:woohoo: