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Thread: Division 1.4 Update Notes Yeahsssssss Motherfuckersssss!!!!!!!

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    Division 1.4 Update Notes Yeahsssssss Motherfuckersssss!!!!!!!


    24/10/2016 05:00 PM


    Upon reaching level 30, players are now able to select a World Level Tier that controls the level of enemy NPCs encountered and the quality of the loot they drop
    There are a total of 4 World Level tiers:
    Tier 1: enemy lvl30, gear score rewards 163
    Tier 2: enemy lvl31, gear score rewards 182, unlocks Challenge difficulty, unlocks Incursions
    Tier 3: enemy lvl32, gear score rewards 204
    Tier 4: enemy lvl33, gear score rewards 229
    Activity difficulty in a same World Tier (Normal, Hard, Challenging) will provide more rewards

    Added a player reporting interface for PC users.
    Players now have the “mark as junk” option when equipping mods.
    Players can now mark weapon and gear items as “favorites” which locks them in their inventory. Locked items cannot be sold, shared or dismantled.
    Added a buyback option to vendor’s inventory. Players can now recover items they have accidentally sold.
    Added Quick Nav option to vendors and menus allowing players to quickly select item types they want to display.
    Weapon skins no longer take inventory space.
    Equipped items are now always displayed at the top of the inventory list.
    Recalibrated items now have an icon displayed next to their recalibrated stat/talent.
    Crafting materials can now be converted in bulk at the Crafting Station.
    Players can now deconstruct items from the Stash.
    Players now have an option to find a better server if they are currently on one that is not their best option. They can do so from the Group Management menu.
    Players are no longer able to open their inventory while under status effect.
    Recalibration bench now opens instantly instead of waiting for watch tapping animation.

    Time-to-kill enemy NPCs has been lowered.
    Many improvements were made to enemy AI.
    Player ammo capacity has been increased by 50% after level 30.
    When matchmaking the game will now attempt to refill empty slots if the group privacy allows it.
    Incendiary and Explosive Rounds will no longer apply status effects like Stagger and On Fire.
    Accuracy will now be lowered for a short duration after performing a combat roll.
    Added a delay between leaving a group and signing up for matchmaking.
    Weapon magazines are now refilled when restocking from an ammo crate.
    The crafting material drops from the Base of Operations will now reward High-End quality after level 30.
    Removed scavenging from the game. Scavenging is removed as a secondary stat on all gear pieces. New gear pieces can no longer roll scavenging.
    The Map indicator for Rogue players now increases in size the closer they are to the player.
    Player grenade damage now scales with the current World Tier to ensure consistent efficiency against NPCs across World Tiers.
    Shotgunner NPCs: their damage falloff and accuracy have been slightly reduced. This should limit their range and lower their lethality in long to mid-range combat.
    Several improvements to NPC AI.
    Player health will now progressively regenerate to full when out of combat.
    Updated the ways NPCs react to Player Threat, now allowing players to more predictably manage enemy agro

    Global changes
    All NPCs will now have chances to drop High-End and Gear Set items, tougher enemies (veteran, elites) have higher chances to drop.
    Removed Gear Set Weighting from all activities except Incursions. Any Gear Set can now drop from any activity.
    Weekly and Daily assignment loot caches now drop items scaled with the players current gear score.
    Added new blueprints for Level 33 mods and Gear Score 229 High End.
    Added Field Proficiency: Players can now gain experience past level 30 and earn loot caches.
    Updated Vendor Stocks:
    Items quality will adapt better to the player level during the 1 to 30 progression.
    Vendors now sell items Gear Score 163 to 229 as soon as the players reaches level 30.
    Added more High End items for sale in all currencies.
    Added more Gear Set items at Phoenix Credits and Dark Zone Vendors:
    Phoenix Credit Vendor sells 1 random slot of each Gear Set
    Dark Zone Vendor sells 1 random Gear Set for each slot
    Vendors will now sell Sealed Cache for all currencies.
    Marksman Rifles, ARs and Shotgun prices have been lowered.
    Gear Set items now cost as much as a high end gear piece, resulting in a large price reduction.
    Item prices in DZ Funds have been adjusted. Gear score 182 item prices went slightly up, as gear score 204 items got a small price decrease. These changes were made for a more normalized, fairer price increase of items with gear score.
    Items priced in Phoenix Credit gear score 182 went down in price slightly, whereas items gear score 229 went slightly up. These changes were made for a more normalized, price increase of items with gear score.
    Drop rates have been modified for all named NPCs encountered during missions and incursions outside of the actual boss. They will no longer guarantee High-End drops. Instead, they will guarantee crafting materials and have a chance to drop a High End or Gear Set item.
    The Phoenix Credit Vendor has been removed from the Tech Wing in the Base of Operations.
    Division Tech has been removed as a requirement from all High End and Gear Set blueprints.
    Open World
    Roamer NPC groups and bosses are now back in the open world. They now respawn every 4 hours.
    Main Missions

    Updated Rewards for all main missions:
    Normal Mode
    Boss drop:
    1x Superior or High End
    1x Superior
    Hard Mode
    Boss drop:
    1x High End
    1x High End
    Challenging Mode
    Boss drop:
    1x High End
    1x Gear Set
    1x High End Mod
    2x High End or Gear Set
    30 Phoenix Credits
    Search & Destroy and High Value Targets
    Search & Destroy will now reward the player with 5 Target Intel upon completion at the mission board for normal Search and Destroy, 10 for Critical Search and Destroy (instead of 2 and 4).
    Weekly HVT vendors now sell 2 of each contract type, instead of 1.
    Added 40 new High Value Target contracts to the contract pool.
    Prices of High Value Target contracts have been adjusted and normalized to avoid overlaps. This results in an overall slight decrease of cost for many contracts.
    Daily High Value Targets now all scale with group size.
    The difficulty of some of the hardest HVT contracts have been slightly lowered.
    Enemies in Search & Destroy missions will now be Normal and Veteran instead of mostly Elites.
    Updated Rewards for all High Value and High Risk contracts:
    Daily low cost High Value Target
    Boss drop:
    1x High End or Gear Set
    15 Phoenix Credits
    Daily medium cost High Value Target
    Boss drop:
    1x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End
    20 Phoenix Credits
    Daily high cost High Value Target
    Boss drop:
    1x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End or Gear Set
    25 Phoenix Credits
    Weekly low cost High Value Target
    Boss drop:
    2x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End mod
    1x High End
    1x Gear Set
    50 Phoenix Credits
    Weekly high cost High Value Target
    Boss drop:
    1x Gear Set
    1x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End
    2x High End
    1x Gear Set
    50 Phoenix Credits
    Weekly low cost High Risk Target
    Boss drop:
    2x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End mod
    1x Gear Set
    1x High End
    1x High End weapon
    60 Phoenix Credits
    Weekly high cost High Risk Target
    Boss drop:
    1x Gear Set
    1x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End mod
    2x Gear Set
    1x High End
    1x High End weapon
    70 Phoenix Credits
    Players can now gain Underground experience past level 40 and earn more Underground Caches.
    Updated Rewards for all Underground Operations:
    Directive now reward with Phoenix Credits and no longer items.
    Normal Mode (boss drop)
    1x Superior or High End
    Chance for a High End mod
    Hard Mode (boss drop)
    1x High End or Gear Set
    1x Gear Set
    Chance for a High End mod
    Challenging Mode (boss drop)
    2 High End or Gear Set
    1x Gear Set
    Chance for a High End mod
    Falcon Lost now has additional checkpoints after each C4 explosion.
    The 4 Horsemen farm cover has been modified to prevent players from avoiding RC Cars explosions.
    Abilities cooldown will now reset when the group wipes and respawns at the last checkpoint.
    Changed Gear Weighting from Incursions: instead of guaranteeing specific Gear Sets, each incursion will now guarantee specific Gear slot items
    Falcon Lost: Gloves and Masks
    Clear Sky: Body armor and Holster
    Dragon’s Nest: Backpack and Kneepads
    Updated Rewards for all Incursions:
    Challenging Mode
    Boss drop:
    2x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End Weapon
    1 High End Mod
    Chance for a named weapon
    100 Phoenix Credit
    2x High End or Gear Set
    Heroic Mode
    Boss drop:
    2x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End Weapon
    1x Gear Set
    1 High End Mod
    Chance for a named weapon
    120 Phoenix Credit
    2x Gear Set
    1x High End weapon
    1x High End or Gear Set
    Dark Zone

    Updated Rewards for boss drops and Supply Drops in the Dark Zone:
    Boss Drops:
    1x High End or Gear Set
    1x High End Gear Mod or Weapon Mod
    Supply Drops
    1x High End or Gear Set
    1x Gear Set
    1x High End Mod
    15 Phoenix Credits

    Removed Skill Bonus from all gear items. Instead, Backpack, Holster and Kneepads will now have additional slots dedicated to Performance Mods (Backpack = 2, Holster = 1, Kneepads = 1). Note that this change will not be retroactive.
    Gear items of Gear Score 182 and higher will now provide fixed base stats in each of the main attributes (this comes in addition to existing random main stat bonus)
    182 = 48 Firearms, Stamina and Electronics
    204 = 101 Firearms, Stamina and Electronics
    229 = 148 Firearms, Stamina and Electronics
    Reduced the range of additional bonuses such as Critical Hit chance or Headshot Damage.
    Rebalanced bonuses provided by Performance Mods.
    Removed stats overlap between Gear Scores (this does not apply to percentage based stats).
    Armor has been overhauled:
    Your Armor value now has a different Damage Mitigation value, depending on the World Tier you are in
    Damage Mitigation has been capped at 70%
    Reaching Damage Mitigation cap will now require much more armor, forcing you to make a conscious decision to spec into this stat
    Toughness now takes All Damage Resiliency into account
    Reduced Health on Kill bonuses on Gear by 50%. This change also applies to existing gear. Nomad 2-piece bonus is not impacted by this change.
    Skill Haste bonus will now directly affect Skill cooldowns by the same amount. For example, 10% Skill Haste will reduce Skill cooldown by 10%.
    Global Rebalance pass on Gear Talents:
    Accomplished: Rewards from Accolades are tripled (no change)
    Astute: The first 3 bullets of your clip have a 5% higher chance to do a Critical Hit (instead of 5 to 10%)
    Cunning: After reloading, your next shot with this weapon has a 10% higher critical hit chance (instead of 5 to 10%)
    Decisive: Headshots with your side arm deal 35% more damage (instead of 10 to 25%)
    Enduring: While in your last segment, your health continuously regenerates to fill up the segment (no change)
    Forceful: Your armor is increased by 15% while your Signature Skill is active (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Inventive: Your Skill Power is increased by 15% while you are at full health (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Nimble: While doing a cover to cover move in combat, you heal 2% of your max Health for every 1 meter run (no change)
    Perceptive: Your Gold find bonuses are increased by 15% (instead of 10 to 25%, no longer increases item find)
    Prosperous: Critical headshots grant you Credits (no change)
    Rapid: The cooldown of your healing skills is decreased by 15% (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Reckless: You deal 8% more damage and receive 10% more damage (instead of 5 to 15% damage dealt)
    Recovered: Damage taken while doing a cover to cover maneuver is regenerated over 5 seconds upon reaching your destination (no change)
    Refreshed: When your health is in the last segment, all your healing is improved by 30% (instead of 10 to 30%)
    Rehabilitated: When you are affected by a status effect you are healed for 2% every second (no change)
    Rejuvenated: Consuming a medkit also removes all negative status effects from you (no change)
    Relentless: 5% of the damage dealt by your skills is returned to you as healing (instead of 3%)
    Resourceful: All healing applied to you is also applied to your skill objects (no change)
    Robust: You have 10% more armor while in cover (instead of 25 to 50%)
    Savage: Your Critical hit chance is increased by 7% against targets out of cover (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Specialized: 200% of your Firearms and Stamina are added to your Skill Power (instead of 15% - note that the drastic increase is also due to a new calculation method)
    Steadfast: While in cover, health regeneration kicks in twice as fast (no change)
    Sturdy: Your armor is increased by 15% when you stay more than 4 seconds in the same cover (instead of 5 to 15% and 10 seconds)
    Technical: While your signature skill is active, your Skill Power is increased by 15% (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Tenacious: Using a Medkit increases your damage by 10% for 10 seconds (instead of 5 to 10%)
    Vigorous: All your healing skills have Over Heal enabled (no change)
    Character Talents
    Chain Reaction: Decreased Damage bonus by 50% from 40% to 20%

    Global changes
    Skill power will not scale linearly anymore, instead it will follow a curve of diminishing returns.
    Removed hard caps on most skills.
    Expected Skill Power is now 3 times higher. Skill Power from Electronics has been multiplied by 3.
    Skill Haste has now been capped at 60% to prevent too low cooldowns.
    All skills except signature skills now have a 5 seconds minimum cooldown.
    (Reference only values, for level 1 character)

    First Aid
    Global changes
    All cooldowns set to 60 seconds
    Decreased scaling of cooldown with Skill Power from 100% to 70%
    Base Skill
    Healing cap increased by 300%, up to 300000
    Self-heal increased by 81% from 550 to 1000
    Ally-heal increased by 81% from 550 to 1000
    Self-heal increased by 36% from 550 to 750
    Ally-heal increased by 172% from 550 to 1500
    Self-heal increased by 100% from 750 to 1500
    Ally-heal unchanged at 750
    Booster Shot
    Self-heal increased by 105% from 440 to 900
    Ally-heal increased by 50% from 600 to 900
    Global changes
    Decreased scaling of Critical Hit Chance with Skill Power from 100% to 50%
    Decreased scaling of Critical Hit Damage with Skill Power from 100% to 50%
    Decreased scaling of cooldown with Skill Power from 100% to 80%
    Base skill and mods Critical Hit Chance set to 6%
    Base Skill
    Critical Hit Damage decreased by 70% from 20 to 6%
    Recon Pack
    Critical Hit Damage decreased by 70% from 20 to 6%
    Critical Hit Damage decreased by 70% from 20 to 6%
    Added threat reduction when using Pusle with this mod
    Tactical Scanner
    Critical Hit Damage decreased by 68% from 25 to 8%
    Cooldown decreased by 15% from 70 to 60 seconds
    Global changes
    Decreased scaling of cooldown with Skill Power from 100% to 80%
    Base skill and all mods (except Zapper) health increased by 50% from 1000 to 1500
    Base skill and all mods (except Zapper) increased by 50% from 30 seconds to 45 seconds
    Scaling of health with Skill Power set to 200%
    Base Skill
    Range increased by 17% from 30 to 35 meters
    Active Sensor
    Range increased by 17% from 30 to 35 meters
    Damage increased by 22% from 18 to 22
    Damage increased by 20% from 30 to 36
    Range decreased by 20% from 20 to 16 meters
    Health decreased by 50% from 1000 to 500
    Damage decreased by 80% from 10 to 2
    Support Station
    Global changes
    When playing solo, if the player is downed while his Station is active, he will be able to revive himself
    Base skill and all mods (except Life Support) healing rate increased by 67% from 30 to 50
    Base skill and all mods (except Immunizer) lifetime decreased by 50% from 30 to 20 seconds
    Base skill and all mods health increased by 100% from 500 to 1000
    Base skill and all mods no longer have healing rate cap
    Base skill and all mods no longer have lifetime cap
    Base skill and all mods: Decreased base cooldown duration by 44% from 90 seconds to 50 seconds
    Scaling of cooldown with skillpower set to 80%
    Life Support
    Revive time decreased by 40% from 5 to 3 seconds
    Range increased by 33% from 6 to 8 meters
    Healing rate increased by 100% from 30 to 60
    Ammo Cache
    Healing rate increased to same level as other mods from 24 to 30 (25% increase)
    Skill Haste bonus reduced by 70% from 50% to 15%
    Lifetime decreased by 33% from 24 to 16 seconds
    Sticky Bomb
    Global changes
    Base skill and all mods no longer have damage cap
    Scaling of damage with Skill Power set to 125%
    Scaling of cooldown with Skill Power set to 80%
    Base skill and all mods: PvP modifier reduced by 51% from 90% to 44%
    Base skill
    Cooldown increased by 80% from 50 to 90 seconds
    Proximity Fuse
    Cooldown increased by 80% from 50 to 90 seconds
    Explosion range decreased by 25% from 8 to 6 meters
    Cooldown increased by 80% from 70 to 125 seconds
    Mobile Cover
    Global changes
    Base skill and all mods no longer have health cap
    Base skill and all mods no longer have cooldown cap
    Blast Shield
    Min and Max damage now scale with Skill Power
    Min and Max damage now displayed in tooltip
    Blast Resistance increased by 180% from 12.5% to 35%
    Counter Measures
    Health increased by 33% from 6000 to 8000
    Added threat reduction when using this cover
    Added threat generation when using this cover
    Seeker Mine
    Global changes
    Base skill and all mods no longer have health cap
    Base skill and all mods no longer have cooldown cap
    Base skill and all mods (except Cluster) health increased by 100% from 150 to 300
    Base skill and all mods (except Gas Charge) cooldown decreased by 29% from 70 to 50 seconds
    Scaling of cooldown with Skill Power set to 80%
    Base skill
    Damage increased by 100% from 1000 to 2000
    Damage increased by 100% from 300 to 600
    Radius increased by 25% from 4 to 5 meters
    Cluster now applies bleed effect on top of its usual damage
    Health increased by 100% from 50 to 100
    Damage increased by 100% from 300 to 600
    Gas Charge
    Cooldown decreased by 17% from 60 to 50 seconds
    Ballistic Shield
    Global changes
    Base skill and all mods no longer have damage cap
    Base skill and all mods no longer have defense cap
    Base skill and all mods no longer have health cap
    Base skill and all mods no longer have cooldown cap
    Base skill and all mods cooldown decreased by 11% from 45 to 40 seconds
    Scaling of cooldown with Skill Power set to 80%
    Scaling of health with Skill Power set to 200%
    Now takes 50% less damage from NPCs
    Base skill and all mods: Added threat generation when the shield is deployed
    Base skill and all mods: Added threat generation when shooting while the shield is deployed
    Base Skill
    Base health increased by 25% from 3000 to 3750
    Kinectic Breaker
    Base health increased b 25% from 3000 to 3750
    Reactive Targeting
    Base health increased by 25% from 4500 to 5625
    Assault Shield
    Health increased by 25% from 2250 to 2812
    Smart Cover
    Global changes
    Smart Cover cooldown will now begin when the smart cover is destroyed
    Base skill and all mods Damage Resistance decreased by 65% from 20 to 7%
    Base skill and all mods Damage bonus replaced with two bonuses:
    Weapon Stability +7%
    Weapon Accuracy +7%
    Base skill and all mods cooldown set to 60 seconds
    Scaling of Defense bonus with Skill Power set to 150%
    Scaling of Weapon Stability bonus with Skill Power set to 150%
    Scaling of Weapon Accuracy bonus with Skill Power set to 150%
    Base skill and all mods no longer have range cap
    Now applies a Stability and Accuracy debuff to enemies in cover:
    Weapon Stability -5%
    Weapon Accuracy -5%
    Damage bonus to enemies in cover set to 5%
    Damage Resistance decreased by 75% from 20 to 5%
    Damage bonus replaced with two bonuses:
    Weapon Stability 5%
    Weapon Accuracy 5%
    Skill Haste bonus decreased by 25% from 20% to 15%
    Added threat reduction when using this cover
    Signature Skills
    Implemented a shared cooldown mechanic: in a group, players who receive a buff from any Signature Skill will be immune to the same signature skill for 30 seconds after the first one runs out.
    Recovery Link Signature Skill
    Recovery Link now revives teammates from dead state and automatically revives the player when down, in solo play.
    Increased range by 25% from 40 to 50 meters
    Instant heal now heals for 50% of the total health of the target
    Increased heal over time duration by 140% from 5 to 12 seconds
    Heal over time now heals for 100 of the total health of the target over 10s
    Tactical Link Signature Skill
    Removed Critical Hit Chance bonus
    Decreased damage bonus by 40% from 50 to 30%
    Added 3 new bonuses:
    +50% RPM
    +50% Reload Speed
    +30% Weapon Stability
    Increased range by 20% from 25 to 30 meters
    Survivor Link Signature Skill
    Decreased damage resistance by 38% from 80% to 50%
    Decreased duration by 20% from 15s to 12s
    Increased range by 20% from 25m to 30m

    Global changes
    Named weapons are no longer locked to specific Gear Scores (except Damascus, which will remain available at only one Gear Score)
    World tier determines the Gear Score of the weapon when it drops or is bought
    All Named weapon blueprints have been removed from their sources. They will remain in your blueprints list if you already had them, but will only allow you to craft the weapon at this specific Gear Score
    Named weapons will now have to be acquired through loot drops and vendors
    DPS calculation now values Headshot damage differenlt yfor each weapon category to more accurately guide player when modding weapons.
    Weapon recalibration: When recalibrating a weapon, the player will now be able to pick from 6 Talents additionally to the initial one (instead of 3+1). This should lower the impact of RNG and increase the chances to actually get the talent you want before you run out of tries.
    Weapon Mods have been changed: they will now have one major bonus and an amount of smaller bonuses depending on the quality of the mod.
    Some stats on Weapon Mods have been merged into one:
    Horizontal Stability and Initial Bullet Stability are now merged with Stability
    Hip Fire Accuracy is now merged with Accuracy
    Damage bonuses are now additive instead of multiplicative.
    Weapon Talents have been rebalanced.
    Accurate: Accuracy is improved by 25% (instead of 20 to 50%)
    Adept: Using a skill increases your critical hit chance by 7.5% for 15 seconds (instead of 3 to 10% for 5 seconds)
    Balanced: The weapon reaches max accuracy faster when shouldering (no change)
    Brutal: +12% Headshot Damage with this weapon (instead of 10 to 25%)
    Capable: Using a skill improves the handling of the weapon for 15 seconds (handling is improved by 25% instead of 20 to 50%, 15 seconds instead of 5 to 15 seconds)
    Commanding: Every kill performed while your signature is active extends the duration of the signature skill by (5 to 20)% (no change)
    Competent: Whenever you use a skill, your weapon damage is increased by 10% for 15 seconds (instead of 5 to 15%, 10 seconds)
    Coolheaded: Doing a headshot reduces all your skill cooldowns by 5% (instead of 2 to 7.5%)
    Deadly: +15% Critical hit damage (instead of 5 to 30%)
    Destructive: +15% to armor destruction with this weapon (instead of 3 to 20%)
    Determined: Killing a target reduces your skill cooldowns by 7.5% (instead of 5 to 10%)
    Dominant: Every kill performed while your signature skill is active reduces the cooldown of your other skills by 10% (instead of 3 o 10%)
    Ferocious: +10% Bonus damage to Elite and Named enemies (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Fierce: +5% Critical hit chance with this weapon (instead of 5 to 10%)
    Harmful: Each hit has a 15% chance to apply the Bleed status effect to the target (instead of 3 to 15%)
    Intense: The first bullet of a magazine has a 25% chance to apply the On Fire status effect to the target (instead of 3 to 13%)
    Meticulous: Killing a target has a 25% chance to instantly refill your magazine (instead of 5 to 25%)
    Predatory: Killing a target regenerates 35% of your health over 20 seconds (instead of 5 to 15%, 5 seconds)
    Prepared: When further than 30 meters from your target, your damage is increased by 15% (instead of 40 meters, 5 to 15%)
    Proficient: The first bullet shot when out of combat has a 50% bonus chance to result in a critical hit (instead of 25 to 50%)
    Provident: The last bullet of a magazine deals 60% more damage (instead of 25 to 60%)
    Restored: This talent has been removed from the game
    Skilled: Headshot kills with this weapon increases Signature Skill resource by 5% (instead of 3 to 13%)
    Stable: Stability is improved by 35% (instead of 20 to 50%)
    Steady: This talent has been removed from the game
    Sustained: +6% Life on kill (instead of 1 to 6%)
    Swift: Reloading is 15% faster (5 to 15%)
    Talented: Killing a target with this weapon increases your Skill Power by 15% for 20 seconds (doesn't stack, killing a new target refreshes the timer) (instead of 3 to 10%, 5 to 15 seconds)
    Toxic: Headshots with this weapon have a 15% chance to apply the Blind status effect (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Trained: Critical hits increases your Signature Skill resource by 0.1% (no change)
    Unforgiving: Damage increases based on your missing health: 1 missing segment +10%; 2 missing segments +25% (instead of 5 to 10%, 15 to 25%)
    Vicious: Your Critical Hit chance is increased by 10% while you are at least at two health segments (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Responsive: When closer than 10 meters from your target, your damage is increased by 10% (instead of 5 to 15%)
    Self-Preserved: Critical hits with this weapon heal you for 3% of damage dealt (instead of 0.5 to 3%)
    Global balance pass on weapons:

    Assault Rifles
    G36: Base damage decreased by 5%
    Caduceus has had its talents modified, to replace the removed talent Restored and better fit the new Gear Score scaling. It now has the following talents:
    Talented: Killing a target with this weapon increases your Skill Power by 15% for 20 seconds (doesn't stack, killing a new target refreshes the timer)
    Competent: Whenever you use a skill, your weapon damage is increased by 10% for 15 seconds
    Determined: Killing a target reduces your skill cooldowns by 7.5%
    Reduced all LMGs Damage bonus on targets out of cover from about 28% maximum to 19% maximum
    L86: Base damage increased decreased by -7.4%
    RPK: no change
    M60: Base damage increased by 19.4%
    M249: Base damage increased by 17.4%
    Reduced all SMG Critical Hit Damage bonus from about 47% maximum to 38% maximum
    MP7: Base damage decreased by 27.6%
    MP5: Base damage decreased by 11.1%
    Vector: Base damage decreased by 13.8%
    SMG9: Base damage decreased by 9.2%
    AUG: Base damage decreased by 10.3%
    PP19: Base damage decreased by 13.8%
    T821: Base damage decreased by 13.3%
    All shotguns with Gear Score 229 damage decreased by 30%
    Showstopper: Base damage increased by 20%
    Marksman Rifles
    M1A: Base damage decreased by 35%
    SVD: Base damage decreased by 3.7%
    SCAR: Base damage increased by 22.9%
    SRS: Base damage increased by 20%
    M44: Base damage increased by 15%
    X45: Base damage decreased by 40%
    M9: Base damage increased by 10%
    Px4: Base damage increased by 25%

    Global changes
    Gear Set gear scores have been brought in-line with High-End gear scores tiers.
    191 Gear Set items now have Gear Score 163
    214 Gear Set items now have Gear Score 182
    240 Gear Set items now have Gear Score 204
    268 Gear Set items now have Gear Score 229
    Removed the 5 piece bonus on all Gear Sets that had one.
    Striker’s Battlegear
    2 pieces: +20% Stability
    3 pieces: +10% armor damage
    4 pieces: Every consecutive hit deals 1% more damage. Stacks up to 100%. Missing shots drops bonus by 2%. Bonus is reduced by 1% every second
    Tactician’s Authority
    2 pieces: +10% Skill Haste
    3 pieces: +10% Skill Power
    4 pieces: Every bullet you and your group lands on a hostile adds 0.2% skill power to you for a max of 30% bonus. Bonus lasts for 10 seconds of not being refreshed or 10 seconds of beeing at max
    Path of the Nomad
    2 pieces: +20% health on kill
    3 piece: Nomads Resolve - Administers a constant small heal, allowing the user to heal passed the segments of the healthbar
    4 pieces: Path of the Nomad - When receiving fatal damage, you are instead healed to full health. Can only occur once every 4 minutes
    Sentry’s Call
    2 pieces: +30% Aiming Accuracy
    3 pieces: +10% Headshot Damage
    4 pieces: Headshots mark the enemy, increasing the damage inflicted on the target by 5% for a duration of 30 seconds each. A target can receive up to three marks
    Lone Star
    2 pieces: +100% Ammo capacity
    3 pieces:
    +8% LMG Damage
    +8% Shotgun Damage
    4 pieces: When holstering a weapon it's ammo is instantly refilled
    Predator’s Mark
    2 pieces: +10% Reload Speed
    3 pieces:
    +8% Assault Rifle Damage
    +8% SMG Damage
    4 pieces: Hit 10 shots without switching target to make the target take damage over time for 50% of the total amount of damage already done by those bullets
    Final Measure
    2 pieces: +25% Exotic damage resilience
    3 pieces: +15% resistance to damage from Elites
    4 pieces: When in range of hostile grenades or mortars, defuses them and adds grenades to your inventory. Can only happen once every 15 seconds
    Hunter’s Faith
    2 pieces: +20% Optimal Range
    3 pieces: +20% Headshot Damage
    4 pieces: Hitting an enemy with a bullet grants you and your group temporary protection. The further your shot, the more protection. Each group member's protection disappears after getting hit by one hostile bullet.
    2 pieces: 40% Initial Bullet Stability
    3 pieces: 20% Marksman rifle critical hit damage
    4 pieces: When zoomed, Marksman rifles lose headshot bonus but gain 100% critical strike chance
    B.L.I.N.D. becomes Banshee
    2 pieces: +20% Dark Zone Currency gained
    3 pieces: +10% Damage to targets out of cover
    4 pieces:
    While Rogue, all ammo is completely refilled every 30 seconds. Damage taken from non-rogue players reduced by 10%.
    While not Rogue, No Dark Zone XP or Currency is lost on death. Damage to Rogue players is increased by 10%.
    Note: All existing pieces of B.L.I.N.D. will be replaced with equivalent Banshee pieces.
    2 pieces: +3 Incendiary grenades
    3 pieces:
    +30% flame turret damage
    +50% flame turret range
    4 pieces: Damage to targets on fire is increased by 15%
    2 pieces: 100% bonus health regen speed
    3 pieces: +5% Weapon Damage
    4 pieces: If your Primary and Secondary Weapon is of the same category, they both gain all of the unique active talents.
    2 pieces: +50% Consumable duration
    3 pieces: +50% Support Station duration
    4 pieces: Consumables and special ammo used now apply to the whole group and are not consumed on use. Triggers consumable cooldowns and cannot start consumables that are on cooldown.

    Fixed a bug where NPC turrets would count towards Daily and Weekly Assignments for this NPC type.
    Fixed a bug where named bosses could respawn in the Open World when going to a safe house.
    Fixed a bug where two deprecated blueprints (Iron Sight 2 and 3) could be acquired.
    Fixed a bug where NPC turrets could become invisible and indestructible if destroyed while being repaired by the NPC.
    Fixed a bug where characters could be stuck on ladders when jumping on it after sprinting.
    Fixed a bug where NPCs could shoot players through doors while they were being opened.
    Fixed a bug where the intensity of the Directive Sickness would be decided on Operation entry, allowing for Gear swap to reduce the effect. The intensity will now dynamically adapt to the current Stamina of the player.
    Fixed a bug where skills could be stuck on cooldown indefinitely in some situations
    Fixed a bug where First Aid would not trigger if the player is in a firefight.
    Fixed a bug where First Aid effect would not apply immediately after triggering the skill.
    Fixed a bug where Smart Cover would be destroyed when used during a combat roll.
    Fixed a bug where Smart Cover would be destroyed if deployed instantly while the player if aiming down sight.
    Fixed a bug where Smart Cover Trapper would apply to non-hostile players.
    Fixed a bug where the self-reload from the 4 piece Lone Star set would not benefit from the Support Station Ammo Cache.
    Fixed a bug where Smart Cover would be destroyed by friendly or enemy explosions. Smart Cover can now only be destroyed by enemy Sticky Bomb (Flashbang) and EMP grenades.
    Fixed a bug where shooting Smart Cover off a wall would remove its effect.
    Fixed a bug where the self-reload from the 4 piece Lone Star set would not benefit from the Support Station Ammo Cache.
    Fixed a bug where the Ammo Cache buff would be lost when two Support Stations with this mod would overlap each other and one of them be destroyed.
    Fixed a bug where fire damage dealt to a player using the Ballistic Shield would be dealt to the player instead of the Shield.
    Fixed a bug where players could retain the Mobile Cover buff after leaving the cover.
    Fixed a bug where the game could freeze when holding the skill deployment button of a second skill when the character was using a Mobile Cover.
    Fixed a bug where activating a skill during a cover to cover move and then ending the move could lead to all skills being stuck on cooldown.
    Fixed a bug where First Aid Booster Shot would not provide the expected Damage bonus.
    Fixed a bug where First Aid would revive players no matter which Skill Mod was selected.
    Fixed a bug where Recovery Link heal would not apply if the targeted player is currently aiming with a skill.
    Fixed a bug where Smart Cover would be destroyed by enemy grenades (EMP grenades can still destroy Smart Cover, as intended).
    Fixed a bug where Support Station would not revive a player if the Station caster is also in downed state.
    Fixed a bug where Recovery Link would not trigger correctly when the player dies.
    Fixed a bug where Mobile Cover Countermeasures would not correctly hide the agent from Pulse.
    Fixed a bug where players were unable to use a Signature Skill while aiming with grenades.
    Fixed a bug where skills could be stuck in permanent cooldown.
    Fixed a bug where instant-firing the Sticky Bomb while another skill is readied could cause display issues.
    Fixed a bug where instant-using Mobile Cover while aiming with another skill could cause issues with the Mobile Cover.
    Fixed a bug where Support Station Ammo Cache was affected by its own Skill Haste bonus.
    Fixed a bug where self-casting First Aid while aiming down sight would drop the First Aid to the ground instead of applying it directly to the caster.
    Fixed a bug where players revived with First Aid Defibrillator would not get the immunity they usually get with other revive methods.
    Fixed a bug where Repo Reaper would give bullets to the player when killing an enemy with the primary weapon.
    Fixed a bug where Tactical Advance damage bonus would not be calculated correctly.
    Fixed a bug where Triage would apply to consumable cooldowns.
    Fixed a bug where Specialized would not correctly increase Skill Power.
    Fixed a bug where Resourceful would not apply to Ballistic Shield.
    [PC] Fixed a bug where going into cover while keeping the holding the mouse button for continuous fire would interrupt shooting until the mousebutton is released and pressed again.
    Gear Sets
    Fixed a bug where the Striker 4 pieces buff would be lost when switching between primary and secondary weapon.
    Fixed a bug where AlphaBridge would not take a Weapon Talent into account if both weapons have it and the requirements are not met on either one of them.
    Fixed a bug where the 4-piece talent of Final Measure would not defuse the APC Mortar shells in Falcon Lost.
    Fixed a bug where the supply drop helicopter could be heard from the map in a safe house.
    Fixed a bug where opening the mod menu from the inventory would always open for the equipped weapon instead of the selected weapon.
    Fixed a bug where the character and background would turn dark while trying to browse the appearance tab in the inventory.
    Fixed a bug where Audio would drop out on PS4.
    Fixed a bug where Grenade range was not displayed properly and appeared smaller than it actually is.
    Fixed a bug where bonus Medkits and Ammo gathered with specific backpacks or gear items equipped would remain after swapping to other items.
    Fixed a bug where players would reach maximum capacity for vanity items and wouldn’t be able to pick up new ones.
    Fixed a bug where using Ammo Cache Support Station in the Underground with Waste Not Want Not Directive active could result in negative ammo.
    Fixed various text errors and misspells.
    Fixed a bug where the third bonus from High End weapon mods would not show when the mod is attached to a weapon.
    Fixed a bug where some settings would reset to default when the game is restarted.
    Fixed a bug where the World Level Tier tutorial would show up every time the player would enter the Terminal.
    Fixed a bug where the Valkyria blueprint would not appear at the blueprint vendor.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    XERXXISS (October 25th, 2016)

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    Not a surprise the Mp7 is getting a nerf along with 229 shotguns. Bye bye PvP sentrys call noobs.
    Another I am glad to see is the patch where one could achieve more medi kits than normal by switching to a specific back pack and then removing it again.I never once in all my division time exploited this which I have seen many others do.It was an unfair advantage and now the PvP aspect is gonna come down to skill playing the game and not who has the most powerful weapon or the most medi kits to stay alive.
    Glad to see this patch

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  4. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    Riddled (October 24th, 2016),XERXXISS (October 25th, 2016)

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    CAG Stud
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    Thank you very much, informative and definative.

    CAG Dogg Level: 42 [?]
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to XERXXISS For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (October 25th, 2016)

  7. #4
    CAG Stud
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG JB View Post
    Not a surprise the Mp7 is getting a nerf along with 229 shotguns. Bye bye PvP sentrys call noobs.
    Another I am glad to see is the patch where one could achieve more medi kits than normal by switching to a specific back pack and then removing it again.I never once in all my division time exploited this which I have seen many others do.It was an unfair advantage and now the PvP aspect is gonna come down to skill playing the game and not who has the most powerful weapon or the most medi kits to stay alive.
    Glad to see this patch

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Glad to see this, now people wont be doing jumping jacks as they watch me crawl away, i'll be shooting back and winning now..

    CAG Dogg Level: 42 [?]
    Experience: 2,556,282
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  8. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to XERXXISS For This Fucking Post:

    Ghost (October 25th, 2016)

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