Another update on the perk list for infinite warfare confirmed on the 13th September 2016

Infinite Warfare Perks

A key feature in Infinite Warfare is Perks. Perks in Call of Duty games give you special abilities such as, immune to emp effects or undetectable by AI targeting systems. Below we have all the Infinite Warfare Perks.




Blue Infinite Warfare Perks

Recon – Increases the size of your mini map and enemy UAVs count as your own.

Blind Eye – Makes you invisible to AI Targeting Systems (air supports and sentries).

Blast Shield – More resistant to explosive damage.

Dexterity – Makes you reload and switch weapons faster.

Overclock – Payload charges faster.

Ghost – Makes you invisible to UAV and radar pings when sprinting, operating score streaks or planting and defusing.



Green Infinite Warfare Perks

Momentum – Is exactly like Marathon from Modern Warfare 2 as it gives you unlimited sprinting.

Hardline – Scorestreak points for assists are doubled.

Tac Resist – More resistant to flash and stun effects.

Tracker – Allows you to see recent enemy trails, even when they are cloaked.

Cold Blooded – Like previous Call of Duty’s, invisible to thermal detection systems.

Scavenger – This perk in Infinite Warfare is exactly like Scavenger Perks from previous Call of Duty’s, where you can resupply ammo from dead players.



Red Infinite Warfare Perks

Gung ho – Allows you to sprint while using your weapon, equipment and scorestreaks.

Pin point – Outlines enemies when shooting or taking damage with projectile weapons, (a bit like Recon Pro from MW3).

Hard Wired – Makes you immune to EMP effects and it blocks equipment or abilities that outline you for enemies.

Marksman – Allows you to aquire enemy names from long distance and reduce flinch on sniper rifles, so you’ll get more range and toughness on snipers.

Engineer – Allows you to detect enemy equipment and scorestreaks through walls and delay activation of enemy mines, (this perk is a bit like SitRep from MW2).

Dead Silence – Footsteps and jump packs are silenced, (like Dead Silence from BO3).

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