I'm going to be online for a while this weekend! Add/Invite me to play some Black Ops 3 (PS4)!!
You can let others know that you are playing Black Ops 2, MW3 or Black Ops now or intend to jump on it here. Use it to your advantage!
I'm going to be online for a while this weekend! Add/Invite me to play some Black Ops 3 (PS4)!!
Batman_OnA_Stick (September 10th, 2016),djkillz (September 10th, 2016)
Cool, I sent you a friends request. Look forward to getting some games in with ya.
Batman_OnA_Stick (September 10th, 2016),KiREZWG (September 10th, 2016)
I'll be on today. If I'm playing something else, just invite me anyway!
Batman_OnA_Stick (September 12th, 2016)
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