Both are HC TDM
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Both are HC TDM
EuphoricEruption (August 24th, 2016)
Glad to see you getting these in. I know the lag is insane but sometimes it irons out!!
PATRON (August 24th, 2016)
It's been alright so far =) having loads of fun
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PATRON (August 24th, 2016),SoulCaster05 (August 24th, 2016),XERXXISS (August 24th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 24th, 2016)
EuphoricEruption (August 24th, 2016)
Confirming both games. It was GG, and great determination getting through. Like I said if you see someone on, spam them to help out.
EuphoricEruption (August 24th, 2016)
3 games left and your good to go!
Lambjimb0 (September 4th, 2016)
YASS one more left! I confirm the fourth game. Keep it up!!
If I see you lurking tonight, we can tackle the last one. Glad things are working out for you with the new set up.
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