Update or start your Sharpshooter Badge thread here
CAG CheechDogg (August 16th, 2016),PATRON (August 16th, 2016)
Make sure you keep all your sharpshooter games here ... I edited the title of this thread to "ATR_NinjaGirl-'s Marksman" .....
ATR_NinjaGirl- (August 16th, 2016),Batman_OnA_Stick (August 16th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 16th, 2016)
Thank you for the merge. Please keep all games in one thread. Thank you!
ATR_NinjaGirl- (August 16th, 2016),CAG CheechDogg (August 16th, 2016),PATRON (August 16th, 2016)
ATR_NinjaGirl- (August 17th, 2016)
She's a ravaging beast...ripping through lobbies...got borderline scary for a bit. Good job dominating these though.
ATR_NinjaGirl- (August 17th, 2016)
Black Ops 3 Alpha Company
ATR_NinjaGirl- (August 17th, 2016)
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