All have been bumped for the day.
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
All have been bumped for the day.
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 30th, 2016)
Daily bumping has been completed.
PATRON (September 7th, 2016)
They've been bumped 9/7/16
PATRON (September 7th, 2016)
Have been bumped 9/8/16
PATRON (September 8th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (September 8th, 2016),PATRON (September 9th, 2016),xPARCHx (September 8th, 2016)
Bumped 'em 9/9/16
I'm doing it tomorrow gotta help out
Batman_OnA_Stick (September 9th, 2016)
I know i'm in probation, but is everyone allowed to bump the recruitment links or is there a "Recruitment Team" that does it?
Batman_OnA_Stick (September 9th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (September 9th, 2016)