Thought these would be better served here for recruits: (This isn't my work; just the mover)

Destiny Weapon Badges
PVP Weapon Badges Player vs Player
Destiny Marksman PVP (Crucible)
1. Recruit may play Control or Clash
2. Recruit must achieve at least 15 kills with no more than 10 deaths. This must be done 5 times.
3. All games must be completed with a Full CAG member in the game.
4. A picture must be taken and provided in the marksman thread for each game.
Destiny Sharpshooter PVP (Crucible)
1. Member may play Control or Clash
2. Member must achieve at least 15 kills with no more than 5 deaths. This must be done 5 times.
3. All games must be completed with a Full CAG member in the game.
4. A picture must be taken or a legend link provided in the Sharpshooter thread for each game.
Destiny Expert PVP (Crucible)
1. Member may play Control, Clash, or Skirmish (3v3)
2. Member must achieve at least 20 kills with no more than 5 deaths. This must be done 10 times.
3. All games must be completed with a Full CAG member in the game.
4. No heavy weapons or grenades can be used (rocket launchers, explosives or Heavy machine guns)
5. A picture must be taken or a legend link provided in the Expert thread for each game.
*Iron Banner does't Count Towards PVP or Player vs Player
PVE Badges Players vs AI
Destiny Marksman PVE (Strike Playlists)
1. Recruit may play Vanguard Roc Playlist
2. Recruit must achieve at least 55 kills with no more than 2 deaths. This must be done 10 times.
3. All games must be completed with a Full CAG member in the game.
4. A picture must be taken or a legend link provided in the Marksman thread for each game.
Destiny Sharpshooter PVE (Strike Playlist)
1. Member may play Vanguard Roc Playlist
2. Member must achieve at least 75 kills with no more than 1 deaths. This must be done 10 times.
3. All games must be completed with a Full CAG member in the game.
4. A picture must be taken or a legend link provided in the Sharpshooter thread for each game.
Destiny Expert PVE (Strike Playlist)
1. Member may play weekly nightfall
2. Member must achieve at least 130 kills with no more than 0 deaths. This must be done 10 times.
3. All games must be completed with a Full CAG member in the game.
4. A picture must be taken or a legend link provided in the Expert thread for each game.
Last edited by CAG SACRILEGE; May 5th, 2016 at 06:46 PM.