no luck involved, just gotta know when to hold'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away and know when to run.. HA HA
You can let others know that you are playing Black Ops 2, MW3 or Black Ops now or intend to jump on it here. Use it to your advantage!
It'd be payback for all the times my trigger gets stuck and I team kill ya'll off a flag )
We need to work on a oh blooper video of all those unfortunate team killings/mistakes we've made throughout the BLOPS3!
We would have enough to sell for a few. Months at the start, and continued content from there.
I have all the guns except, the peacekeepers, both snipers and the proton pistol. The melee I think I'm only missing probably 5 or so...but I don't use them anyway...The fames is the only one out of the bunch I use excessively. That was more over on this last update for it. Other then that, guns get the dark matter treatment, and then shelved.
Oh yeah stockpile them krypto keys and swammy 'em down on one of those special release days/weekends
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