Although the proposed release date of the update known as X-Box1 Scorpio is as late 2017 I was wondering will this again split players within clans as happened with what was the introduction of the first X-BOX1 only games. This for me was the first time as a clan member(not CAG by the way) the changes split members into 360 members and XBOX1 divisions.

So what I am saying or asking is with the introduction of a gaming platform (with a proposed 6 teraflops which is 4 times more powerful than the current XBOX1) will the latest games after a period only be released for the new Scorpio again splitting clans into who has and who hasn't got the latest console ??

It seem a short time but I was amazed to read that the proposed release date of the end of 2017 is 4 years since the release of the X-BOX1 ??